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Genbu and the Amakusa Agenda

On the heels of the defeat of the last of the Orochi assassins Ranma must learn to deal with his new surroundings with Akane at his side. However, Kodachi has revealed a new enemy, in the form of one of the most trusted institutions in town....

*#21: One More Time, One More Chance; The end of one event marks the beginning of the new. The lives of our favorite characters in the aftermath of the Nemesis battle.

*#22: The Mercenaries; Ranma manages to get another girl after him; Nabiki dukes it out with someone in 'her profession.'

*#23: The Rivals; An opponent from Kodachi's past returns to make life miserable for the Kuno.

*#24: The Month of Silent Rain; Ranma and Shizuka face-off in their final confrontation.

*#25: Reflections; The battle at the Tendo home takes place on numerous fronts as several combatants reflect on their reasons to fight: Amakusa, Asuka, Nagi, Ranma, Nabiki, Tatewaki, Shizuka, Kodachi, Chika, Ayame, Miranda.

*#26: Reverse Gravity; Showdown! Events around Ranma and Akane are being manipulated toward one end, but what does the mysterious hooded girl have to do with anything? The shocking truth-- Ukyo reborn?

Wheel of Fire Special #2: Twelve Days of Fire; Written for X-mas 1999 in response to the ridiculous amount of spam on the FFML.


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