d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - March, 2000 
Turning Members into Guests
 by RICK DAVIS, ATM/CL District 40 Newsletter Editor

    We hear all the time about turning GUESTS into MEMBERS. But maybe we should think about the reverse ... how can we turn MEMBERS into GUESTS? And why would we want to do such a thing?

    When we invite Guests over to our home, we strive to make an impression. We bring out the good china, hang the nice towels, cook the best food. What does your meeting room like like? Do you take the care to make sure it is arranged to be the most effective? Is it free of trash and other distractions? Is it something we would want to show off to a guest? Even if we have never had a Guest, our physical meeting place should be "Guest Ready".

    When we invite Guests over we want them to feel welcome. We meet them at the door. We have a positive attitude. Are all members being greeted by an Officer? Does the meeting have a positive feel? Or do the evaluations produce a feeling of dread? Everyone should be excited about being there.

    Etiquette says that we entertain Guests - we don't ask them to do chores - we engage in conversation - we keep petty differences to ourselves. The same goes for our Member-Guests. We should be warm to everyone, petty differences ignored and make sure everyone has an opportunity to speak during the meeting. We should entertain our more seasoned Members by doing things that are different - try a dinner meeting if we normally meet at lunch; a social meeting; an all Table Topics meeting; a joint meeting with another Club. Shake things up a bit.

    If Members are consistently treated like Guests, your Club will prosper, your Members will stay longer than the TM average of 18 months, and you will have the luxury of experienced Members who can step forward for leadership and mentoring roles. Turn your MEMBERS into GUESTS.

    *** An excerpt from the Region I Newsletter, International Director Susan Niven, DTM, Editor


Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Newsletter/Internet advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, George Self, ATM-B/CL, Richard Moore, ATM.

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