d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - March, 2000 
 "Discovering Toastmasters Youth Leadership"
by Leonard G. Knight, ATMB, Area Governor
    If you haven't taken the opportunity to be involved with the Toastmaster Youth Leadership Program (YLP), you don't know what you are missing. For the past two years I've been blessed to witness the growth of students at Desert Vista High School.

    I am convinced that the miracle of communication and leadership is in the doing.  These 16-18 year olds transformed before my eyes from timid and cautious youngsters to more confident and self assured aspiring adults in eight short weeks.  The YLP experience was not only an individual growth experience but a collective growth experience.  Students who had known one another since freshmen year became acquainted with there fellow students at a much deeper level.  I witnessed relationships blossom, trust was established and bonds began to form.

    Trust is the essence of team building.  Common values were formed based on universal principles of caring and cooperation. This type of collaborative experience can only produce good.  In this age of rapid change it is important that we provide our youth with opportunities to nurture deep rooted principles.

    This was not a totally altruistic experience.  I learned so much from these young people about my role as a husband, father, and friend.  The presentations allowed me to search my own values.  It forced me to look at "my place in the world." Through the Youth Leadership Program I have discovered perhaps some things I had lost.

  Leonard Knight 
introduces a 
Youth Leadership 
graduate at 
the 1999 Spring
Youth Leadership 
    Youth Leadership Sessions Report

    AREA S-4
    Twenty Seniors at Sahuarita High School near Tucson have had the opportunity to learn communication skills. They have participated in a Youth Leadership course conducted by Helen Economy and Roger Lachman from Grogan Green Valley Toastmasters.

    This is the second Youth Leadership conducted by Area S-4 Toastmasters this year. Judy Norris of Northwest Casas Adobes Toastmasters worked with a group of home schooled teens in October and November. The group is continuing to practice speaking through the auspices of 4-H and their Home School group. 

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Newsletter/Internet advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, George Self, ATM-B/CL, Richard Moore, ATM.

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