d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - March, 2000 
Leadership 2000
Star Search

In an effort to ensure those with the skills and desire to lead are recognized, we are asking you to help us identify future leaders.

Please review this form, and list the names of those Toastmasters you feel would be well suited for these positions. Listing a name does not constitute a formal nomination, it is instead a way to let us know who you recognize as a future leader of our organization. | It's the Natural Next Step

Club and/or contact information
District Governor
PJ Glauz
1999-2000 LGET
Virginia Richtar
1999-2000 LGM
. .
Cholla Division Governor
. .
Gila Division Governor
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Paiute Division Governor
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Sonoran Division Governor
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Yavapai Division Governor
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Area Governor ( )
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Area Governor ( )
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Other: . .
Other: . .
Other: . .
Thank you for your participation. Please return completed forms to the Nominating Committee Chairman
Jodie Kay Petra, DTM
1240 W. 7th Street, Mesa, AZ 85201
(480) 962-0679
Please Note: Training is provided for future leaders. TLI provides a Leadership 2000 class and attendees receive a list of current positions and officers and a condensed job description list.

On-going education and training is available at TLI twice a year and Division Governors are encouraged to supplement TLI with quarterly sessions for their divisions.

It's the Natural Next Step


Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Newsletter/Internet advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, George Self, ATM-B/CL, Richard Moore, ATM.

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