d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - March, 2000 
Outstanding Toastmaster
Janette Gann, DTM
by Glenn Pike, DTM 
    District 3 Toastmasters honored Janette Gann, DTM, as its 1998 Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year at the July Jubilee banquet held at the Arizona Museum in Tempe, July 27, 1988. With the evening's highlight announcement, Janette became the District's 29th Toastmaster to achieve this notable distinction.

    Her path to the lectern to accept the International designed plaque and the huge traveling trophy cup bearing the names of all previous honorees began in 1986 when she joined Papago Toastmasters at Salt River Project Power & Water, where she worked as a Supervisor in Purchasing & Materials Management.

    "I achieved my CTM in 1 1/2 years there," states Janette. "After leaving S.R.P. in 1993, I joined Dobson Ranch Toastmasters', a large and dynamic club. I learned quickly that there is quite a difference between a small company (closed) club and an open club with a 40 plus membership."

    Janette's Dobson Ranch membership began her involvement in District level activities. She was elected Area E-2 Governor during the same year that and fellow member and friend, Ted Pawlikowski, was elected Area E-4 Governor. "What a year we had," exclaims Janette! "I joined two of the E2 clubs. I achieved my ATM and we were a distinguished area that year."

    "The next year, I followed Ted as E4 Area Governor. It was a pleasure to get a second chance to serve as a district officer, especially since my long time friend and former co-worker, Nancy Starr, DTM, became our "fearless" district governor.  We re-organized the areas and Eastern Division became the Gila Division. It was a very exciting year."

    "Everyone said being a Division Governor was easier than being an Area Governor because you had 5 area governors instead of 15 club officers to work with. There is some truth to that, I must admit."

    During the past year that Janette's activities applied to the District's Outstanding Toastmaster program, she served as an assistant to the Gila Division Governor to, in her words, "learn the ropes." She also volunteered to be the Spring Conference Chairman, achieved an ATM bronze, completed both the CL and the High Performance Leadership programs, helped charter a new club (Valued Voices), and earned her DTM.

    Chairing the Spring Conference was the best job in the district, according the Janette.  "What fun it was to learn how the District really works and to meet wonderful, enthusiastic Toastmasters' from all over the state," she says. "Recruiting a crack team of energetic volunteers and working with them to achieve 'one of the best conferences we've ever had,' has been the highlight of my Toastmasters' career.

    "My proudest moment has been attending the chartering ceremony of the new club in the Gila Division; Valued Voices in Chandler, Arizona. They meet at the city council chambers and one of our charter members is a city council member. It is an open club, even though they are whole heartedly supported by the city. I was their sponsor in the beginning, then decided to join and stay with them as they struggled through their first year. I am so proud of my small role in their success.

    What is next of Janette?  She wanted to become the Gila Division Governor  for the 1998-99 term, a goal she has already achieved.

    Her response toward winning the Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year Award? "I feel that the recognition will encourage me to continue to achieve my goals."

District 3 1998 
Outstanding Toastmaster 
Janette Gann, DTM.

On the personal side:
I have a terrific 
TM supporter hubby, 
We have a daughter 
who's married and 3
They live in 
Sparta, WI. We also 
have 2 great sons, 
Jeremy age 23 and 
Nick age 20. I have a 
Bachelor degree in 
Business Management 
and am working 
on my Masters. 
We are active 
members of St. Matthew
United Methodist church in
Mesa, home of many 
TM contests.

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Newsletter/Internet advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, George Self, ATM-B/CL, Richard Moore, ATM.

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