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December 20, 2005 - Tuesday

Sunny and warmer.

What a day. Well, the morning was okay. I did my usual stuff and got all set up to get on my way to work. I got there with lots of time.

I spent the early part of the day cleaning up and making sure my last lessons were prepared. While I was doing that, people were coming in and out of the school and they were having a big discussion as to how to demolish the school. It made me feel sad and a bit angry.

In the later part of the afternoon I went out for coffee and a little shopping. I went to Marica and got a really lovely pressed flower picture of a wreath with two candles in it. The entire picture is made from flowers. I also had a nice coffee in the third floor coffee shop.

Back at the school I got some flowers, and talked to my head office people. Then I had lunch and taught my lessons. They were fine, but a bit sad.

After we finished I tried to clean up the rest of my stuff, just knowing that my dear husband would see the boxes by the door of our apartment and bring them for me. Well, he didn't. What the heck was he thinking. I went to the washroom and was sitting there thinking how angry I was with him when I realized that I wasn't that angry with HIM, I was just angry. If I wasn't careful I'd take it out on him and it wasn't his fault. We moved the stuff out, I turned in my keys and my nametag and left.

We went for dinner, then picked up some groceries and came home. I went through my stuff a bit, but I couldn't find my pink file. I must have left it at the school. Sigh. We tried going back, but the school was locked up, and I don't have a key. Oh dear.

So, anyway, my career with my school is over. I enjoyed it mostly, although the last year or so has been a bit emotional, what with us closing for that long.

Anyway, I'm okay. I don't think it's really hit me yet. I hope that when it does it won't be too awful, and I hope I don't turn into a total couch potato!

Oh, when we came home, I discovered that I got two Christmas presents. One is a mystery, it's a book, but there's no sender, just a store name! The other is from a relative that I sent a gift to earlier this month. I do have another gift to send her, which I hope she likes! I love Christmas. Did I mention that?

Gotta go. Talk to you tomorrow night. Bye!


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