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January 3, 2006 - Tuesday

Cold and very snowy again.

An okay day. We went away last night, sorry I didn't update. Hope no-one worried.

This morning we left our hotel and then drove into Sakata for breakfast. I suggested Mosburgers but I was overridden. We went to Yoshinoya for a not so great breakfast. Still, it was okay.

We drove back, but we stopped at every furniture store on the way. Fumihiko wanted to look at bookcases. I need one desperately. I have a lot of books but no place for them. I basically just wanted to sleep!

After we came home, Fumihiko went to take his Mum shopping and I worked on my computer a bit. Then, after he came home, I took a nap. A long one! When I roused myself it was well after 6.

We discussed going out for dinner, and decided to go to Dan. We had a nice dinner. Nabe, eggplant, chicken and pork. We also had a tofu salad. Everything was very nice.

We came home again and I made even more nengajo. I made some yesterday too, but today we got more cards, so I had to make some more. Sigh. When I was finishing up some cards, Fumihiko took my air gun and heated some of the cards from yesterday. He said they weren't done enough. They were. I wasn't too happy with him. I suggested a couple of things. Next year, if he wants me to do the stamping he should darn well pay for the stamps or at least half of them, or, and my preference actually, we order them from somewhere. They take such a lot of work and Fumihiko is a bit fussy about them. I like to make a few different styles, but they aren't always appreciated.

I do feel a bit sorry for my hubby tonight. He's not feeling that good. He's thinking it's "Sunday Night Sickness" even though it's Tuesday. He has to go back to work tomorrow for the first time in days. Poor thing. He's off on Friday though.

The weather today was horrible. A nasty windy storm came in and covered everything with snow again. It's hard to see out there too. Yuck.

I hope tomorrow will be better. Wish me luck! A day to myself. Hurray!



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