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January 28, 2006 - Saturday

Warmer but snowy.

An okay day. I got up this morning and didn't do anything for a while! I just drank coffee and surfed the net. In the afternoon I made brunch and then got busy. I cleaned the toilet. What a lovely job. Still, it looks nice in there, much better than before. Also along the way today I cleaned the drain in the kitchen sink and washed a few marks off the walls.

When Fumihiko came home he was really tired. I made him some lapsang soushang tea. I don't know if he liked it or not. I did. Then we went out for dinner.

Tonight we went to Togashi's for yakiniku. It was soooo good. We had one of their specials, Yonezawa beef. It was 1200 yen, which worked out to be 200 yen per piece. It was worth every penny! I don't know if I've ever had such nice meat.

We came home via the grocery store and then watched a movie. Tonight the feature movie was Virtuosity with Denzel Washington and a young and very buff Russell Crowe. Yummy. The movie reminded me of The Matrix at times. It wasn't as good of course, but both had VR and computers.

Fumihiko's off to bed now, but I'm staying up for a while. I'm not tired yet and I'd like to be more sleepy before bed.

Tomorrow I'm not sure what we'll be doing. We might go off and see a movie or not. Not sure.

Anyway, I'll likely talk to you tomorrow. Night!


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