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July 2, 2006 - Sunday

Cloudy with a bit of rain all day.

A pretty good day. We got up this morning and got dressed. We went to Mikawa to meet up with Chris and Yumiko for lunch. We had a lovely lunch at Bistro Des Pontes. I had fish and scallop, Fumihiko and Chris had steak and Yumiko had pork. Hers looked the best I thought.

After lunch we drove to my school and showed them around. We had a lot of discussions about business and taxes and all that kind of thing. I was quite happy to show off my stuff and also get pointers about saving money and doing business. Yay.

After they left, Fumihiko and I went out for coffee. We tried a new place that's opened by our apartment. It has a store for produce, supposed to be from the farmers directly. I bought a yellow zucchini, but I haven't used it yet. Then, we went to the coffee shop. We had iced coffee, which was nice, but nothing special. The place was interesting. I'm not sure if I'll go back or not. The women that worked there seemed more interested in her friends than us. I mean, they seemed like more than customers although they were. Anyway.... the coffee was okay.

We went to an electronics store to look at computers for Fumihiko and a photocopier for me. I saw a nice one, which Fumihiko offered to buy for me, but I turned him down. It's for the business, and I want to use the business's money to buy it.

After the electronics store we decided to go for dinner. Our first choice was Togashi, but they were very busy and we'd have to wait about 45 minutes. Since I was hungry enough to start gnawing on my own arm, I asked that we go somewhere else and we did. Tonight we went to Jiro and we had the Mixed Gri-ei. It's like a mixed grill, but it has pork saute, chicken and shrimp. It was nice.

We came home after dinner. Neither of us is doing well. With the rainier weather, Fumihiko's back is acting up. This morning when I got up I noticed that my left side is extremely painful. I have no idea what I have done, but bending and getting into and out of the car wasn't fun. I wasn't sure that Fumihiko had even paid attention when I told him about it, but he was very nice later on , even giving me a massage. It helped a bit, but I'm still sore.

We watched a tape I had of Strange Luck, the old TV show and I wrapped Katie-chan's birthday presents. Hopefully I'll be able to mail them tomorrow.

Fumihiko is sleeping on the couch, and Grand Prix racing is blaring on the telly. Yuck.

That's my day basically. I hope tomorrow goes well too, and that we are both painfree!

Catch you later? Night.


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