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June 22, 2006 - Thursday

Hot and sunny, but now it's raining outside.

A good day, all told. I got up at a reasonable time this morning, drank my coffee and checked email and stuff. I also showered. Yay me!

I made a new schedule of my school for Fumihiko. He suggested that as he often talks to parents on the phone or prospective students and doesn't remember when my classes are. Poor guy!

In the afternoon, I went out to the bike shelter and got out Fumihiko's bike. It was very dirty, and the tires were in need of a good blowing up, so I took care of that. I wiped off the bike, pumped up the tires and WD-40'd the chain. I was good to go!

I went to the school via the drugstore. I had to stock up on non-sugar chocolate and also get myself a travel toothbrush for the school. I wanted something that I can leave in the bathroom. People don't usually go in there anyway!

I checked my lesson and then I took a break. I read a magazine for a while and drank a soft drink. A bit after 5 Fumihiko called me and said he was done work. He decided to go home, change his clothes and then meet me. He'd take me to dinner. While I was waiting for him I realized that I could very easily just prepare my next class, so that's what I did! I think I'm even finished too. Yay me!

Fumihiko showed up just before 6 looking very spiffy. I realized then that he thought he should be with me when my student came. Ummm, sorry dear, but no way! We left and went to Gusto. Unfortunately, he chose to go the way that doesn't have traffic lights and at 6 pm was very busy. We had to wait for a while. Finally we made it to the restaurant.

The restaurant wasn't that busy, but the waitress was. I think she was the only one on the floor and she was kept hopping. We rang the bell 3 times before she came over. When our food finally arrived, she'd forgotten to bring us knives and forks and chopsticks! I really did feel sorry for her, but she did the best she could. We managed to get out of there, around my deadline.

Fumihiko dropped me off at the school and then went to get my bike. I had to get a new tire, but my darling paid for it for me. Yay Fumihiko. Thank you Fumihiko.

I got ready in the school, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, did the lipstick thing, and my student arrived on time. We had a good lesson. Hurray! I was worried about noise from neighbours but it wasn't too bad, and I don't think we were too noisy either. Hurray for that!

After the lesson, I did a bit of paperwork, then I changed and called my hubby. He came and got me and his bike. We went home, and I've been on my computer ever since. He's been studying, studying, except for his bath and also making us some yummy iced coffee.

I don't have any lessons tomorrow, but I will be meeting one of my ex-students in the evening for dinner I think. I've told Fumihiko that he can go to the school and study there if he wants. There are less distractions I think. Well, there is a TV but I never watch it!

Anyway, that was my day. It was really nice to be teaching again, and I felt good while I was doing it. Yay me! Yay my student!

Catch you tomorrow? Night.

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