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March 24, 2006 - Friday

Sunny, windy, but cool.

A good and busy day! I got up in the morning, watched the news and checked email. I also got dinner started. I marinated the meat. Then, I took down the curtains in our bedroom and washed them. I also washed the net curtains in the spare room, although I didn't wash the main curtains. Then, I did a couple of loads of my own laundry.

While I was working on all that laundry I continued repairing the permissions on my computer. What a pain in the ..... (fill in appropriate word!).

Fumihiko came home around 6 and a bit later we got dinner ready. In the morning I had marinated some "coro-coro" steak for us in low carb teriyaki sauce. I also cut up two small green peppers that I had from last week and put them in with the meat in the frypan. I got Fumihiko to microwave the pumpkin and set the table. We had a nice meal of teriyaki cubed steak, salad, pumpkin, miso soup and coffee. It was okay! Fumihiko liked everything.

After that he did dishes and I read and repaired permissions for a while. I'm still not done! Egads. He watched some of Shall We Dance, the Japanese one. I'd never seen it before. I'd like to see it with subtitles I think.

I finally got tired of repairing so I started the computer up again and checked email and some sites on the net.

I think I'll go to bed soon as I'm really tired again.



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