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May 27, 2006 - Saturday

Sunny and windy. Nice day.

I got up this morning and watched part of yesterday's movie again. There was a part where the dog spoke, but when we watched it with Japanese subtitles, they didn't have English subtitles for me. It was cute. I drank lots of decaf coffee and surfed the net, read email, the usual.

In the afternoon I ate breakfast(late brunch?)and then did some real work on my computer. I worked on making Classroom English posters. I made a few and they look really good. I think I'll just have to mount them on some coloured paper so they look more professional and eyecatching. I also worked on a sheet for Fumihiko with prices and rules! Everything I wrote sounds terribly legal, poor Fumihiko has a bit of a hard time understanding it all.

Around 6:30 I headed out. I went to the drug store first, then to the school. I didn't do very much, but I got a few ideas and did some thinking. I also took some notes on the texts that I bought last weekend. After a while, around 8:30 I think, I headed home again.

I didn't hear from Fumihiko by phone, but then I heard him at the door. When he came in he looked tired. Poor guy.

We went for dinner to Gusto. We had variations of the same thing. Both hamburgers, but with different toppings. The restaurant was busy tonight so we couldn't talk much. It was too loud. Poor us.

When we came home we watched Sliding Doors. I enjoyed watching it again, but I think that Fumihiko was a bit confused by the whole alternate reality thing. Still, I'd listen to John Hannah reading the phone book if I could. There was one scene where I looked at Gwyneth and I thought "That girl is too thin." I don't usually do that.

Anyway, Fumihiko is doing the bath thing, and I'm doing the reporting on my day thing. It was okay. I did more than I thought I would for my school, and it feels good. I have some things to do tomorrow do, but I might talk about them tomorrow night.

I have to go. Good night!


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