Sunny and warm. Nice day.
Today I did most of the things that I wanted to, so that was good! I picked up my bike, got my hair cut, wrapped my sister's present for mailing and one for a friend too, and watched some of Friends and Brisco County, Jr. What a hoot that last one was. It was one of my favourite TV shows for the brief amount of time that it was on. I think Bruce Campbell is one of the funniest guys in movies and TV.
After my hair cut, I took myself off to the mall and did a bit of window shopping. I got something small for my sister, and then had my reward, a cappucino. Yum. I got a few groceries for my supper and then came home. I was just starting to cook my dinner when Fumihiko came home. I was a little sad that he was home so early, I was looking forward to an evening with Bruce Campbell, but he watched a few minutes of Brisco, laughed, and then took a bath. Fumihiko, not Bruce Campbell!
My dinner tonight was a nabe. They make little kits up at the grocery store for one person. It's very nice, because it's a pain to buy all the veggies and then prepare them. Also, I'd have so many leftovers that they'd go bad. Sigh. So, the kit was nice.
Fumihiko went to bed hours ago and I've spent the last few hours watching Brisco (the pilot plus 2 episodes) and then surfing the net.
I'm now "chatting" with a friend on-line in Canada and writing this report for you. However, I think I'm going to end this now as I should really get to bed soon! It's so late, and I'm getting tired. Night night.