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November 15, 2006 - Wednesday

Rainy and soggy most of the day. Lots of thunderstorms.

There was a big earthquake in the very north part of Japan this evening and there was a tsunami warning put out for the other side of Japan. I live on the Sea of Japan coast-side and there is no tsunami warning for this area. I'm putting this upfront in case anyone back home was worried about us. We're fine.

I got up this morning and watched the news. Well, what I actually did was roused myself and vegged on the couch. When the British news came on I tried to stay awake and when the American news came on, I tried to stay awake.

After the news I watched a documentary about illegal immigrants into the US. I did laundry at the same time. Today, I had three loads. I've tried to do the "a load every day or two", but it just doesn't work for me.

I didn't "do" a whole lot today, but I did clean the coffee table a bit, swept the floor and cleaned the dish stacker for when we wash dishes. Hubby of course didn't notice one little bit. Sigh.

A bit after hubby came home we went to the hundred yen shop in the mall and I got some wrapping paper. I have a bunch of presents to wrap. Yay me. Then, we went to Bronco for dinner. It was quite good tonight. We had steak and a side dish of tomato and cheese salad. We did some shopping at the grocery store then and came home, just in time to watch Desperate Housewives.

The aforementioned earthquake must have happened just before we came home, because all through the show they had a diagramme of where the tsunami was expected superimposed on the screen. Fumihiko kept giving me updates which I really didn't want anyway.

After the show was over, Fumihiko wanted to watch the news to see if there was more information. Fair enough. I channel surfed and found the end of the English news. They were talking about the weather and then had a brief update about the tsunami. It didn't sound too serious to me. Then, Fumihiko announced the English news was over (it wasn't quite),took the remote and proceeded to look for more news. He stopped on a volleyball game. Now, pardon me for being a bit rude here, but I thought he was interested in the earthquake coverage. I WAS WATCHING THE NEWS. I would have been reasonably okay with him if he'd ended up watching the news in Japanese, but a blooming volleyball game?? MEN. He ended up falling asleep on the couch a bit later anyway.

He's off to bed now and seems to be sleeping. I'm glad because I am not too happy with him. And he's tired as always.

I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow? Night night!


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