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October 26, 2006 - Thursday

Clear and nice. A little cool.

Today was a good day. I had one class that went well, and a model lesson that went fair to middlin'! The student was tired and I think a bit cranky.

Not much happened really. I went over to the school around 1:30 and finished my prep, then after the lesson I came home for a bit. That was nice.

I also read a bit of my non-fiction book, The Book Nobody Read. It's getting even more interesting. Today's bit was about how books tend to survive longer if they're bigger and more expensive! I suppose to some people it might seem a bit dry, but I'm looking at it like a detective story for bookies. It's great.

After work I came home and there was Fumihiko, watching something inane and playing games on his computer. I wasn't too impressed. I had a couple of minutes of being grouchy and then got dinner ready. Tonight we had spicy chicken drumsticks, daikon salad and cooked veggies. It was all pretty good.

And that's about it. Tomorrow I have 3 lessons, and I have to put something about Halloween into one of them. Hopefully it'll be fun.

Night night.


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