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January 27, 2007 - Saturday

Rainy, with clear times, and even hail.

Today was okay. I got up early in the morning and watched the news. After that I took a shower and got dressed. We went to Gusto and had our brunch. It was okay. Hubby then dropped me off at my school.

I prepared for my classes and checked that everything was okay. I taught two kids classes today and they went well. Yay. Hubby picked me up afterwards and we went for dinner!

We didn't plan to stay home for the rest of the night, it just happened. I got stuck on my computer and then I set the vcr to tape the CSI shows. They were interesting, but please tell me why my husband has to wait until the police are explaining some interesting point to start talking to me about his day? Argh! It's annoying.

Around 11 Fumihiko made popcorn and I heated the leftover soup and made coffee. It was good. We were quite hungry by then because we hadn't eaten for hours!

We haven't really done anything this evening. It's been rather relaxing. I think I watched 3 hours of tv straight without using my computer. That's rather unusual for me!

I'm going to end this rather boring update now. I'm hoping to get to bed soon. Catch you tomorrow? Night.


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