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January 28, 2007 - Sunday

Sunny and warm. The temperature at one point was 7 degrees!

A pretty great day today. I slept in very late of course, then got up and drank most of Fumihiko's pot of coffee.

We left the apartment after 1:30 and couldn't really decide where to go for lunch. Fumihiko suggested going to Sakata so that's what we did. By the time we got there our first choice was closed, so we went to M's Dining and had quite a nice meal.

I asked if we could go over to Hard Off to have a look around. It's a "recycle" shop. They sell a lot of secondhand stuff. My favourite things to buy are wedding gift type things. People get stuff they don't like so they sell it off. Sometimes you can get great stuff that's never been used. My frypan and all our pots and pans came from there! I didn't find anything for me in the store, but Fumihiko got some things. I found him a movie, Scary Movie 2. He has 3 and loves it, so hopefully he'll like 2 as well. He also got some chawanmushi cups.

After Hard Off we went to La Casa. It's a kitchen/bath goods store. It's a bit posh, but has great stuff. I like going there. I got a new spatula since mine mysteriously got "melted" a bit, some olive oil soap, and some cards for a certain romantic holiday that's coming up next month. Fumihiko was very mysterious and bought something but he didn't show me what it was. As my b-day is upcoming I didn't pry. I took him to their coffee shop after that and we each had a cappucino.

We discussed dinner and decided to go to our original lunch choice. Naranda. It's an Indian restaurant. We went there. It was the most crowded I'd seen in a while. I had tandori chicken with curry and naan. I did give hubby a bit of my naan so I didn't eat all of it! Hubby had chicken curry with rice. Our meal was really nice. It was probably the best meal I've had there. I don't always enjoy it. I make a pretty good tandori chicken after all.

We drove off afterwards to the mall. We were planning to see The Pursuit of Happyness which started at 7:00 pm. We got to the mall and found parking. We went into the theater. Fumihiko got the tickets and I got popcorn for him (I was too full!!!) and drinks for us. I did the washroom trip and hubby parked our stuff. We sat down and Fumihiko promptly spilt his drink all over the floor! He went to get a new one while I watched the previews. He got back just in time for the movie. I really enjoyed it. I haven't seen all of Will Smith's movies, but I felt that he really put his heart into this story. I never felt that I was watching "Will Smith". By the end of the movie I had tears in my eyes. It was very good.

After the movie we bought our decafe coffee and had a coffee at the coffee shop. We came back to Tsuruoka and drove around looking for a yakitori shop that was open. We couldn't find one, so we just went to the grocery store and bought some. Then we came home.

Fumihiko got busy when we came home. He made chawanmushi, coffee and heated up the yakitori. He overcooked the chawanmushi, but considering that I have no idea how to make it, I think he did rather well. It tasted good. We watched the end of X-Men on tv and then I asked if we could watch Little Britain. I've read about it in Empire Magazine, but I've never seen it. It was pretty funny. Fumihiko got a big kick out of it too. Extras came on afterwards and we watched that as well. We laughed ourselves silly at that one too. Samuel L. Jackson was on it. Coincidentally, Fumihiko had been asking me about him today, so it was neat to see him on the show.

After that there was a movie with one of my old 80's heartthrobs, Andrew McCarthy. It was called Hard Scandal and it was pretty bad. He's looking okay, but the movie seemed to be one of those "direct to video" flicks. I like Michael York, but Bo Derek? In all fairness I have to say she is gorgeous still, but, this movie was not good.

And that's it for my day. Fumihiko has a dental appointment tomorrow and if he's up for it has promised to take me to the tax department afterwards to ask many, many questions!

I'm going out tomorrow night, and I don't know when I'll be home so please don't worry if I don't update! If I'm tired I likely won't. Got to go. Night!


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