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February 4, 2007 - Sunday

A bit of snow that didn't stay. Cold.

I had a very low key, stay at home day today. I got up later than usual, poured myself a cup of coffee and promptly fell asleep on the couch! I slept for a couple more hours before I got up and got dressed. My coffee was cold, but I drank it anyway.

I spent most of the day on my computer, but I did make my lunch and watch the CSI shows from last night.

A little after 4 I decided to get ready to go out and I changed into some nicer clothing and was just getting ready to put on my coat when I changed my mind. I wanted to get my hair cut, but I decided it was a bit late in the day to just show up. It might have been okay, but I'm also using Hubby's bike at the moment and it doesn't have a light on it.

Fumihiko was home much earlier tonight, in fact around 6 pm. He changed and we had a snuggle and then nap on the couch together. That was wonderful. We haven't done a lot of that lately. When we woke up a bit later we decided to go out for dinner.

Tonight we went to Bronco for steak. It was quite nice. I like it better in the evening as it's quieter. It's very busy at lunch and we can't get a big table usually.We came straight home afterwards. We watched Fumihiko's DVD from the other day, Scary Movie 2. It was so-so. I laughed at a lot of the parts because I knew what they were trying to make fun of, but overall it wasn't the best movie.

Fumihiko fell asleep on the couch so I made popcorn and settled in to watch Little Britain and Extras. Extras guest star was Patrick Stewart tonight. He was funny by not being funny. And I had a "Wow! Flashback! moment. During Extras they played the song, "Gonna Make You a Star" by my teenage hero, David Essex. It was so wonderful to hear it again. It fit right into the theme of the show too. Hurray.

Fumihiko disappeared into the spare room after the show was finished and then returned bearing gifts. As it was after midnight it was officially my birthday so he said I could open my presents. Yay. I got a book. Fumihiko has the book in Japanese and laughs everytime he reads it, so he got it for me in it's original English. It's Plane Insanity, the true story of a flight attendant in the US. I'm looking forward to it. Another package contained the gift I'd asked for. I asked for the third X-Men movie because I'm a huge fan of the X-Men and especially Wolverine. Then, there was a third box. I got a sorting coin bank. It really works. The coins go in the top and roll down to the correct slot. I've had these kinds of things in Canada, but they never worked that well. This one seems good. It's a good present for ex-banker me. I was well and truly happy with everything I got when Fumihiko told me there was another present. He went through to the tatami room and brought back a huge box. I was astonished. I opened it and found a lovely Japanese Doll inside. I used to collect dolls in national costumes and only really stopped because my collection is back in Canada. Fumihiko knew that I wanted one quite badly, because every time I see the one he sent my sister I say how much I want one! She's really beautiful. He tells me that there is a case for it too. We're planning to put it up in my school because we don't have a good place for it here in our apartment. If you check out my flickr badge below, you can see some pictures of my gifts.

Hubby is now sleeping on the couch. It's really late and we both should be getting to bed so that we can have fun celebrating tomorrow. I'm not sure what we'll do. I think karaoke and a couple of nice meals maybe. Wish us a good time! Night.

It's really hard to think of a rant today when I'm quite happy with my husband and the world in general, but here goes.....The Daily Rant.

Why do some cd makers overwrap their cds? I understand that they don't want to make it easy for people to "steal" the cd from the store, but it it really necessary to make it difficult for the people who pay for them to open the case? Some cds have an outer plastic wrap that the store puts on. Then, there's another layer underneath that that the manufacturer puts on. It's flat against the cd, and unless you can find the miniscule plastic tab (if there's one) almost impossible to open without using teeth, knives and/or scissors. And then, some cd makers put another level on. At the top of the cd case, there's often a piece of very sticky tape sealing the top of the case shut. The pull-tab on it is hard to pick up and the tape never comes off in one piece. It always breaks into two or more pieces. Plus, the tape is so sticky that there is often residue left on the cd case. Yuck. I like to have the actual cds, which is why I don't use the Apple store, but why do we need so many wrappers? I just don't understand!

Night folks!


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