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February 8, 2007 - Thursday

Cool, but clear.

I had a pretty good day today. It was quieter than it should have been though. In the morning, I woke up at my regular time, started the VCR to tape the news then fell asleep on the couch. It was my intention to get up an hour later, but I didn't wake up until 2 hours later. Sigh. Unbelieveable.

I had a pleasant afternoon at home. I vacuumed (I somehow hear a chorus of angels singing,"Hallelujah" in the background.) I even vacuumed our heater. We've been having trouble with it. It keeps telling us to change the air, even when we have. The vacuuming of the heater didn't work as far as fixing the problem though.

I watched Cold Case today and it was great. It was set in 1977 (if I remember correctly) and was about some people who did the stage show of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Cold Case usually has great music and today was no exception. All through the episode they had music from Rocky Horror. They had clips of the film (yay Tim Curry) and one of their casting moves was very cool. They had Barry Bostwick play a convicted serial killer about to be released from jail. [For anyone who hasn't experienced The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Barry Bostwick played Brad, one of the main characters in the film.]The team had to prove that he'd committed another murder in order to keep him in prison. At the end, two of the detectives went to see the movie plus show at a theater. One looked uncomfortable, the other was really digging it! And, to add to the fun, the final credits were done in "blood" just like the original movie. I'd say at least one of the writers is a big fan of the movie.

I wasn't supposed to stay home and watch all the show, I wanted to get to the school earlier, but I was enjoying the tv programme so much that I didn't leave. Finally, I left. I got to the school at 5 exactly, which gave me an hour before my first class. More than enough time. I was setting up the coffee pot when my phone rang. My first student was cancelling. A business meeting had suddenly been called and she couldn't come. Sigh. Oh dear. Well, that gave me lots more time! I did some prep work and then did a bit of a craft that I'm experimenting with. If it works out, I'll let you all know about it later.

My one class today went well. After class I did paperwork, washed dishes and texted my hubby. He came and got me. He had picked up my bike today. He told me the repairs were a little expensive, around 6000 yen. Well, later tonight I found the receipt and they were even more expensive, 10500 yen. Yikes. I did offer to reimburse him but he said no.

We had dinner at Cocos tonight and it was nice. I had a Japanese meal! I was tired of having hamburgers, so I had tonkatsu - breaded pork cutlet. It was very nice and I really enjoyed it. Yes, it's a bit high in carbs, but it was nice to have something a bit different than usual. Hubby ate my rice.

We came home via the grocery store. Fumihiko is going to make dinner tomorrow night. Hurray. I think we're going to have ginger pork. Or garlic pork. Either would be good.

We spent a quiet evening at home. There wasn't much on TV and he's still not feeling very well, so we didn't do too much. He tried to fix the heater by taking out some of the kerosene. It helped for a while, but the change air beeper just happened again.

That basically was my day. Tomorrow I have two classes with a gap of 3 hours in between them. I have some planning to do so it's not too bad. Talk to you then!

AND NOW, it's time for .....The Daily Rant.

I have some lovely friends. They live all over the world and they are very busy people. However, some of them feel the need to keep in touch with me and their other friends by sending me a touchie-feelie chain letter*. You know the ones. They say if you have a friend, send it to her. If she feels the same, she'll send it to her friends and back to you. If you have 5 friends, send it to the five. If they feel the same, they'll send it to their friends, and back to you. Huh? Why oh why would I want to keep getting the same email back again? And 5 times? It's not a great idea to have a lot of emails bouncing around the internet with my email address all over them either.

So, if you know my email address and you want to send me a touchie-feelie email chain letter....don't. If you do, you won't get it back. I won't send it on. It will be deleted.

*This also applies to email petitions, warnings about cancer causing products and anything else that 2 minutes on will disprove.



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