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February 12, 2007 - Monday

A bit of snow in the morning, clearing later on.

I'm probably not going to say what time I got up this morning. Because it wasn't this morning. Yup. I slept in very very late. But, so did hubby. He got up before me and then didn't feel well so came back to bed around...well...early afternoon. We slept a bit longer.

After I got up I showered. While I did that, Fumihiko put together our microwave cart. Hurray. We used to have the microwave on the dining table in front of me. There were a few problems with that though. If I was microwaving at mealtimes and I had something on my plate, when I opened the door, my food got smooshed. Yuck. And it was annoying to have no space in front of me either. We were worried that the cart wouldn't be high enough to go next to the table, but it is. And, I think I've got a shelf picked out already to put my slow cooker on. Yay.

We had each had a bagel in the afternoon then nothing. I was expecting hubby to demand that we go out to eat, but he didn't. Finally about 3 hours later, I demanded that we go out! I was starving. We tried to go to a soba restaurant but it was closed, so we went to Benkeis.

At Benkeis we had a lot of good food. I had a chawanmushi and we had nabe, aji tataki, deep fried eggplant and even a tonkatsu sandwich. Everything was good. We hit my school afterwards to turn on the heater's timer and then came home.

We had a quiet evening at home. We watched the repeat of ER with Gallant coming back to America for a quick visit. That was about it. Fumihiko watched some stuff but I didn't.

That was my day. It was okay. Hurray for that!

And now...the Daily Rant.

Everyone has at least one for them. The song that just won't quit. You know how it is, you hear a song, or even worse, just a snatch of a song and it circles around and around in your brain until you think your brain will explode. In October, for Canadian Thanksgiving a woman posted a link to a Thanksgiving card for her readers. It had a song that just wouldn't get out of my brain. It was something like,"Hurray for Turkey Tom, Hurray for Turkey Tom. Hi ho the Dery-oh, Hurray for Turkey Tom" done to the tune of The Farmer Takes a Wife. Oh my. I could not stop that song from repeating in my brain. I had to go back and re-watch the clip just to get it out of my system.

Other guilty parties for me include Barney, The Beach Boys, REO Speedwagon and O-Zone with their Dragonstea Din Tei song.

People who create such maddening songs should be forced to listen to nails on a chalkboard for a day.

What's a song that eats your brain? I'd like to know!



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