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February 14, 2007 - Wednesday -- Happy Valentines Day!

Rainy, with high winds in the evening.

Today was pretty good. I got up early, drank coffee, checked email and did a few things around the house. I showered early and even had breakfast. I ate a bowl of my husband's yogurt. He makes that Caspian yogurt. It's very good. I add a bit of hazelnut syrup to mine.

In the afternoon I made my lunch. I had Atkins pancakes today. For the last couple of days I've just had a huge craving for pancakes. Today was the day. They were great. I made them and watched Cold Case (on tape) at the same time. It was the end of season 2. There won't be any more Cold Case for a while. WOWOW is putting on Jaime Oliver's cooking shows instead. I'm a little curious because I've heard so much about him, and I love cooking shows. I'm not a particularly good cook, but I like watching and reading about cooking.

Just before 4 I braved the rain and went out. I wore my lovely Disneyland cape and rode my bike to the mall. I parked my bike and then I folded up my cape and put it in my backpack. I walked to my hairdressers. When I got there, the place was empty, but the lights were on. I went in. Her mother came out and said that my stylist was out and something about her child. I didn't understand. I asked if it was okay if I could have my hair cut today and she said it was.

I sat down and waited. And waited. Seriously, I must have waited about 20 minutes. I thought my stylist was in the house but she was somewhere else. Oh dear. However, she came in and we got down to business. I got my hair cut really short again. I like it very much. I got this style before, a year or two ago. I'm not really complaining about having to wait. It was nice to get out of the rain, and her mother made me comfortable. She even gave me a magazine to read. Except it was in Japanese. Still, I leafed through it. It was nice of her.

After my haircut, I paid and walked back to the mall. I wanted to see if there was something else I could get for hubby's Valentine's Day present. I checked my phone and of course, he'd already called me. I emailed him, then talked on the phone a bit later. I went to the Outlet store and got him a couple of t-shirts, one dark blue, one light blue and in the bargain bin I found a t-shirt for me, so I got that too. Mine's a baby pink. It was in the men's department, but I don't know why it was pink. Still, I think it will look good on ME!

I went downstairs and met up with Fumihiko. I slyly bought him more chocolates when he wasn't looking and then we went to Doutors for a sandwich and a coffee. That was quite nice. I had one of their Milano Sandwiches and Fumihiko had their pescatore panini. I knew we wouldn't be eating at home for a bit, so I wanted him to stay in a good mood!

We left the mall after packing my bike in his trunk. We hit a drugstore for more sweetener for me. I picked up a cute little hat for winter there too. It's sort of a cloche. It looks very Agatha Christie-ish.

We came home and exchanged gifts. The t-shirts and the chocolates were a big hit. I got dvds. Two of them. I got a Japanese drama with English subtitles and The Terminator 3. Nothing says I love you like Arnie blowing up a few cars/buildings/people! Still, he tried. And I did sort of enjoy the movie when I saw it.

I'll draw a curtain over the next part of the evening.

I made dinner this evening. We had buta tama kimchee with chawanmushi and an onion salad. To drink we had diet A & W root-beer. It was a weird combo, but it worked actually. Fumihiko made the chawanmushi in the microwave tonight and it was much, much better than last time. The one bad thing about his is that at the bottom it gets a bit gritty. He thinks the dashi isn't dissolving enough. Any ideas how to stop it?

After dinner we relaxed and watched Desperate Housewives. Kyle Maclachlan (OH BABY) was on it as was Carol Burnett! They were both interesting guests. I hope that Kyle will be back. I'd be happy if he was.

And that was my day. I had an exciting few minutes preparing the gomi for Fumihiko to take out in the morning, but you don't need to hear about it, do you? Didn't think so.

The Daily Rant

When I was in school I caught a dread disease. I caught Exclamation-itis. Whenever I write something I feel compelled to finish sentences with an exclamation mark. I have to go back through all of my writing and delete the exclamation marks. Nobody talks like every second sentence is very funny or important, not even me! I have found that I prefer my writing when I remove the excessive exclamation marks. I guess it's time to re-read Eats, Shoots, and Leaves.

What's your punctuation weakness? I'd like to hear.



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