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February 23, 2007 - Friday

Cloudy, rainy, then finally clear.

Today was okay. I got up around 9:30 and watched the news. After the news I went back to bed for a nap. I didn't really sleep, and I was in bed more to warm up than to sleep. I got up for the second time today, and showered.

I spent a lot of time at my computer doing "stuff", and watched more of Jamie Oliver's Italian Escape. He's an interesting bloke! I do like a lot of his attitudes about food and cooking.

Around 3:30 I started cooking my lunch. I had my usual, cheese omelette and sausages, with some crispbreads. It was very nice. Fumihiko came home for a bit while I was eating. He needed a map book. He left after a little chat.

I went off to the school around 4:40 or so, and even though it was pouring out, made pretty good time. I got to the school in plenty of time. I checked everything, vacuumed and dusted, changed, and then taught my lesson. It went fairly well. The second one too. Hurray.

I realized about halfway to work that I had forgotten to pack my cell phone. Sigh. I hoped that my second student wouldn't need to call me (she didn't) and that my husband would find it and bring it, or just come and get me after my last class (he didn't). So, after classes I cleaned up, set out my stuff for tomorrow's first lesson, and set off towards home. I wanted hubby to meet me in the grocery store, but I had to find a way to tell him. Obviously I needed a phone booth. They are in short supply these days though. I did luck out. There was one right at the corner that I cross the main road at. Yay. I called home and hubby was surprised to hear from me. I called the apartment phone rather than his cell phone.

We met at the grocery store and picked up a few things. We needed coffee creamers, sliced meat, and I also bought a bottle of dijon salad dressing. As it was a nice evening, I asked Fumihiko if I should just ride home. We agreed that it was a good idea. That way he didn't have to break down my bike and put it in the trunk. I fished my purse out of my backpack (it has my ID in it), and then gave him my backpack and the groceries to take home in the car. It was a nice ride and I made it home safely.

At home I started cooking almost immediately. We had a bought onion salad with the new dijon dressing...yum...and buta tama kimchee. I stirfried thinly sliced pork with some kimchee and then at the end added an egg and mixed that in until it was cooked. Very very simple, but got great reviews! Hubby made coffee and afterwards he did the dishes. Yay for that.

We spent a quiet evening at home after that. Hubby's snoozing on the couch. He's not really sleeping, just almost.

The Daily Rant

I go to the movies a lot. In Canada one year I went to more than a hundred movies in a year. In Japan, I don't see as many as the local theater is harder to get to by myself, and the majority of movies here are in Japanese. Movies are expensive here, they cost around 1800 yen, or roughly $18 Canadian. Hubby and I do have membership cards, so we get a discount every time we go and we "win" free movie passes on occasion too so we get a break on the price. Anyway, the movies always start with a commercial now. At least one, and sometimes three or four. That's not including the "Don't buy pirated movies" message. Now, let me get this straight. I love watching previews of future movies. I sometimes enjoy them more than the movie I'm going to watch. They're fine. I'm talking about actual commercials for furniture, soft drinks and credit cards. I pay good money to see the film, I shouldn't have to put up with commercials too. If I wanted to watch commercials I'd just stay home and watch TV from my comfy couch. Next thing you know, there'll be commercials in the movie too. Oh....wait....product placements.....Argh!



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