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February 24, 2007 - Saturday

Snowy, rainy, and cold.

I had a pretty good day today. I was up on time, and decided to tape the news in English while I took my shower. Good thing I did that because when I rewound the tape, there was no English news on. I'd have wasted that time!

I ate early today and left the apartment here a bit before 12. I left, and then went back in again to put on some boots! It was snowing...those nasty little hard balls of snow. I got over to the school in lots of time and set up for the day. Well, I'd mostly set up the night before, but there were a few things I needed to do. I had to update my weather bear, set up the coffeepot, check all the cards were there and check that the school was still relatively clean! Oh, and change into my "teacher" duds.

Both classes were fine. Today's kids are great fun. They'll do almost anything I ask them to do. In the break between classes I got the second one prepared. I was a bit nervous because I had to check their knowledge of things they didn't know about! Well, they had been taught parts of it before, but never in a cohesive way. Anyway, it was fine.

I came home after the classes. It had stopped snowing, and there wasn't any on the ground. At home I did a bit of computer stuff, then Fumihiko came home. I continued at my computer for a while, then went over to give him a hug. I think we both needed that.

We went out for dinner to Gyu-oh. It's a yakiniku place near our house. It was quite good. We had a nice time and then came straight home afterwards.

We watched The Frighteners when we came home. I think Fumihiko fell asleep on it, again! He swears that he wasn't asleep, but I don't think his mouth would be that open when he's awake!

He's gone off to bed and is sleeping away. I'm watching some of the bonus features on The Frighteners. It's a little bittersweet to see Michael J. Fox in this movie. He was still healthy in this film. I'm not sure if he'd found out about his Parkinson's yet or not.

And now it's time for...The Daily Rant.

I have a confession to make. I am a procrastinator. There. I've said it. It's one of my guilty little secrets. Why do anything today when you can put it off until next week? Of course, I'm not a complete procrastinator. I do my work on time, mostly, but for things in my personal life, I do tend to let them slide.

I'm not sure that it's a bad thing to be a procrastinator though. I don't stress about things unless there's a deadline. I actually quite like deadlines. All through university I was a "last night" kind of student. I wrote my essays on the night before they were due. I'd often prewritten them in my head, I just needed to get them down on paper. My marks were decent and I have no regrets.

Nowadays, what do I put off? Things like having my wisdom teeth removed, learning to drive, writing my novel, and writing letters. Sigh. I'd like to do them. Someday. Not today.

It's like the old joke, I'd like to procrastinate, but I keep putting it off!



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