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February 22, 2007 - Thursday

Sunny and warm. Another gorgeous day.

Last night as I was writing my update, I had a fight with my husband. In the morning, I had another one. Usually things are fine in the morning because someone goes off to work and I don't have to see him for a while. However, he called in sick this morning. That couldn't have anything to do with the fact that he was getting over-excited at 2 am would it? I got up at around my usual time. I was up in time to watch the US news on NHK. As the couch was completely taken up by a certain husband and junk, I sat at my computer and watched the news.

Around 10:30 or so I asked him what he was going to do and he told me that he would take me out for breakfast and then drive me to work. I didn't want that at all. I wanted my bike at work. I had a huge break today at work so I thought I could either come home or go somewhere. He offered to drive my bike over, but honestly, I told him I needed and wanted the exercise. He needed to eat in order to take his medicine. However, at no point did he tell me that, or ask what I wanted to do. He got a bit huffy and left.

After he left, I showered, emailed, then cooked my breakfast and watched some of Jamie Oliver's Great Italian Escape. It was very interesting. He was cooking in a monastery, among other places. A bit before 1, I left home for my school.

I was ready at the school, but I wanted to check over the stuff. Today's first student is a beginner, but she works very hard and she likes talking, so it's a fun class. I was a bit worried that I didn't have enough prepared for us today. However, it was the perfect amount. We finished up right "on-time". The last activity was a bit of a puzzle and she did it really well. I was surprised how fast she did it.

After her class, I had 4 hours until the next one. I prepared her next lesson, then the lesson for the next student's next class! I always try to stay at least one lesson ahead in case I have trouble getting to the school in time to prepare for the day's lesson. I also took a nap, finished my Empire Magazine and started reading The Labyrinth. I did go out, to the drugstore/mini supermarket to get something to eat. I came back to the school then and when it was time, taught my other lesson. That one went quite well today too. Yay. It's funny, when I'm upset on a personal level, I seem to do well teaching. I'm not sure why. Am I compartmentalizing everything? I have no idea.

After I finished up, I sent hubby a c-mail. I wasn't sure where he was and if he was still mad at me. He didn't seem to be, and was okay with coming and picking me up. He did and we came home.

It looked like he'd spent the day cleaning in the apartment. I'm really torn about that. His idea of cleaning and mine are different. He loves to bleach everything. In fact, I think he's bleaching MY coffee cup at the moment, which is just horrifying me. I can't stand the fact that he goes around bleaching my stuff without my permission. He'd cleaned the toilet and it looks better and done stuff in the bathroom too, so some things are okay.

Anyway, we cooked dinner. I made coffee, set the table, and cooked the chicken. He made sauted spinach with bacon. It might have been bacon with sauted spinach, there seemed to be equal amounts of both foods! We had a daikon salad on as well. It was a really nice meal. Fumihiko did the dishes and that's basically where my evening ended.

Hubby has fallen asleep on the couch so I imagine I'll have to rouse him soon and get him off to bed. I'm hoping that things will be better tomorrow.

The Daily Rant.

The topic of today's rant is annoying household products. Have you ever tried to cling wrap something while holding it in one hand, and the wrap in the other? How did you do? Why don't they invent a cling wrap that only sticks to itself around the edges? And clear tape. Same thing. How much tape do we waste when the piece that we've cut decides to stick to itself? And then, it decides to stick to you.

What about the spray bottles with the twisty bit on the nozzle? Here in Japan it's marked it kanji and I have to admit it took me a long time before I realized which kanji meant "spray" and which meant "don't spray". If you accidentally pump the bottle a couple of times on "don't spray" and then turn to "spray", you get gunk all over your hands. Yuck.

And refill packs for shampoo, conditioners, etc. Has anyone successfully gotten all of the liquid into the bottle without glopping at least some of it down the sides of the bottle? I never have.

In my apartment there's a noisy coffee maker, a heater that stops working every 30 minutes or so, and an air conditioner with a tricky sensor for the remote. What annoying things are in your home?



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