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February 25, 2007 - Sunday

Sunny and warm, cool at night.

Today is the day of the year that I dread. It's the anniversary of the day that my mother died. It's a sad day for me, and a strange one too. I always wonder what she would have thought about me living all the way over here in Japan. Then again, she left Scotland in her 30's and went to Canada, so it wasn't like she took the safe route either. I wonder which was a bigger culture shock...small town Saskatchewan or small city Tsuruoka! We both went to our new countries with the same basic purpose, teaching. She taught Junior High, I taught English.

I slept in a bit this morning, but not so late! I got up, drank coffee, did email, the usual. I cleaned the fax machine and my printer. There's a worker from our internet provider tomorrow and he's going to change our modem or something. Thought I should dust it at the very least! I also did some work for my school. I reprinted some of the forms I use. When I first used them I didn't know what information I would find useful. That was a good thing. I've been meaning to work on that for a while.

I watched yesterday's CSI shows, and then when I had lunch three episodes of Friends. They were pretty funny.

Fumihiko came home quite early tonight. We had some coffee at home then we went out for dinner to a new place. We had tonkatsu. It was quite nice. The restaurant offered free refills on rice (no thanks), miso soup and cabbage. Not on the tonkatsu! It was rather nice to try a new place. We came home via the grocery store. We picked up a couple of soy bagels for the morning.

In the evening we watched our taped episode of Grey's Anatomy and then I let Fumihiko have control of the telly for a while. He promptly fell asleep, so I shut it off. I turned it back on at 1:00am for the British Comedy hour. There was a new show tonight, The Sketch Show. It was a bit like Saturday Night Live, but really funny! There was one bit that took place in a men's washroom that Fumihiko laughed his head off at! It was hilarious.

The rest of the night I let him have control of the remote so I was treated to an infomercial (the only thing more annoying than an infomercial is an infomercial in Japanese!) and finally (thankfully) the news.

Tomorrow we haven't any plans, but I'm hoping to watch the Oscars on WOWOW. I'm a bit fearful as I've heard they have the Japanese "hosts" blabbing all through it, but I'll wait and see. I've asked my sister to tape it for me as usual, but I haven't heard from her if she got my request yet or not. Fumihiko has to go to the dentist in the morning, and then we've got the internet guy coming.

Without further ado, The Daily Rant.

About 3 years ago now, I bought us a new coffee maker. Fumihiko had a little one, it made about two decent cups of coffee and that was it. Our new one makes up to 7 big cups of coffee. It works well. It has a timer and everything so we can set it up at night and then it'll come on by itself for hubby's morning coffee. It's a little noisy, but it makes good coffee. I like coffee. I often write on this website about my love of coffee. So, please, someone tell me, why does my lovely husband, who is perfect in so many (but not all) ways, not make a FULL pot of coffee? The burner stays on for five hours, and believe me, I will drink it. Tonight he made a pot. I went over to the coffee maker and thought there might be a hole in the pot. There was only half a pot of coffee there. I poured it into our cups and there was only a smidgen left in the pot. Now, I always have a second cup, so what was he thinking? Just make a full pot. If you make it I will drink it! Thank you. That is all!

Night night.


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