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February 27, 2007 - Tuesday

Sunny and gorgeous in the morning, rainy in the evening.

I went to bed late last night after putting the garbage out for hubby. He's a dear and takes it out for me in the mornings (mostly because I can't get up that early!) I followed the directions on the gomi-sheet, I have an English one, and carefully tied up an old umbrella and put it on top of the garbage bags. When I got up this morning, the garbage was gone, but the umbrella was carefully left behind. Ha ha. Well, I didn't tell him to take it out so I guess I can't blame him too much!

I got up, watched the English and US news and then took a nice long nap on the couch. I felt so much better when I woke up. I felt like I'd slept enough. Also, the pain in my side was much improved, so I really did feel better. I decided to pack my clothes for school today and was shocked to realize that the suit I had planned to wear today was still in the laundry basket, unwashed. Luckily I have other suits, but that meant I hadn't done a major laundry in weeks. I remedied that today. Yay.

I had a quiet day at home. I watched Project Runway for the second time. It's kind of strange. I'm not sure that I like it. I usually don't watch reality based programs, but it's on every weekday in the time slot for Cold Case.

Around 5 I left for my school. It was raining, but not very much. The odd drop of rain made it to me. I stopped at the bank for some money, then continued. At the school I prepped the next lesson and did a spot of cleaning. I changed and then when it was time welcomed my student. We had a good class. We went a bit overtime as there was a lot to do. Still, I think it was okay.

When class was over, I changed and called hubby. He was home. He came to get me, and we went to a drugstore first and then to the grocery store. I'd realized that we were almost out of eggs when I made my omelette this afternoon.

We came home and both started working in the kitchen. Hubby did the majority of the cooking tonight. He made ginger pork and chawanmushi. I tossed the bought caesar salad ingredients, and put out some pickles. We had a really nice meal. Hubby was worried that the chawanmushi was overcooked, and it was just a bit, but it tasted good. He did it in the microwave, so overcooking is easy.

Because Fumihiko had done so much of supper I did the dishes. It didn't take too long, then I spent time on my computer before taking a Doctor Who break. Yay! It was quite fun and silly tonight. It was about the London Olympics in 2012. Okay, it wasn't about the Olympics, it was a background detail of the story. Next week looks like it'll be scary. The Cybermen are returning. Eek!

The Daily Rant

Sleep is something that we all need, but so few of us get enough. I'm very bad. I rarely get to bed before 3 in the morning. In fact, I can't think of a time this year when I have been to bed before 3. I usually get to bed between 3:30 and 4. This is not good. I know I need more sleep, and I do try to go to bed early, but I think just one more blog to read, or just one more game to play. I procrastinate myself into staying up all night. I've always been a night owl, but lately have gotten worse. I like a bit of solo quiet time before bed, but hubby is the opposite. I don't think he likes going to bed before me, but I don't like going to bed before him. He's very noisy when he comes to bed and always wakes me up. Then I can't get back to sleep.

My New Years resolution this year was to try to get to bed earlier and I'm afraid I've done nothing to try and do this. I'd really like to be able to sleep a little more, and yawn a little less in the daytime!

So dear readers, if in the near future I don't blog as much or as often as usual, please forgive me. I'm doing something important for me! I'm sleeping.



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