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February 28, 2007 - Wednesday

Sunny but cold in the am, rainy/snowy at night.

Today was a good day I'm glad to say. Hurray! I got up at my usual time and watched the news while I drank coffee. The problem happened soon after that. I started to feel really nauseated*. I used the washroom and when I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror I was surprised. I was white. Even my lips and cheeks were pale. I've got very pale skin, but usually my lips and cheeks have a bit of colour, but right then, nada. I went back to the living room and had a bit of a liedown on the couch. I dozed and relaxed and gradually started to feel better.

Around 11:30, just as I was debating with myself about whether to have a shower and get dressed or not, my cell phone rang. It was an ex-student and friend of mine. I'd asked if we could get together today. She was calling me back to arrange something. She asked me if I'd like to go to her sister's house--now! I said sure, but I should change my clothes. She said that it didn't matter if I was wearing casual clothes. I said,"Not casual, my pyjamas!" She agreed that I should change and then she'd come and get me. I hurriedly threw on my clothes and grabbed a protein bar. I checked at the window for her, and saw her out there. I went out and we were off.

I had a really nice time with my friend, her sister and her sister's husband. We had tea and coffee, ate okonomiyaki, and just had a nice chat. I got to show off my pictures of my holiday in Canada, and we talked about a lot of different things. Her sister and husband spoke a bit of English, so we all had fun.

I came home in the later part of the afternoon and did computer stuff. I watched Project Runway again. I enjoyed it, but thought that it was a bit silly. I often disagree totally with the judges. Things they like I hate, and things I like, they hate! However, I cheated and checked out on the net to see who won. I'm a bit surprised to see that we are very far behind the new shows!

Fumihiko came home around 6 and wanted to go out to pay the phone bill. It was due today. I asked if we had time, if we could detour through S-Mall. I still wanted teacher's supplies and I hoped to pick up something for dinner. I was lucky enough to be able to do both things. Hubby found me the yo-yos I'd been looking for and I got some construction paper too. In the grocery store I picked up a couple of chicken steaks with miso-sesame paste, some pumpkin and a salad. Then, he brought me home. The people from his party were waiting for him at our house. We snatched a quick good-bye kiss in our car, and then he left.

I went in and did computer stuff for a while. Then I watched a bit of the Oscars again and then put on an episode of Brisco County, Jr. It was great. When I put Brisco on I got dinner ready for myself. I nuked everything except the salad, and sat down to watch Brisco. I am a big fan of Bruce Campbell. He's an interesting actor, and I remember being so happy when Brisco was on TV. Dinner was good, and as I was finishing up, I heard my hubby come home.

We spent a quiet evening at home. When 11 rolled around, I made coffee and we watched Desperate Housewives. Tonight...good show! Bree finally kicked her good for nothing son out of the car miles from anywhere, Lynette found out that something strange was going on with her husband, Gabrielle and Carlos are getting their maid to have their baby, and Edie set Susan's house on fire! Oh my goodness. Fun, fun, fun!

Fumihiko went off to bed a little while ago, but his back is very sore. I heard a couple of moans and groans a few minutes ago so I went to check on him. He'd moved in bed and it hurt. I thought it was a nightmare or something.

Now it's time for....The last Daily Rant

When I started my daily rant at the beginning of February I had no idea how difficult it would be to find something to sound off on every day. The hardest thing was to pick a topic that I could write about. I started with a list of topics, but went through it in a week! My goal for myself was not to pick on "Japan", because Japan is my home. There are things I don't like about this country, but there are many things that I love and admire too, so rather than build up bad feelings I tried not to go for the really easy targets. I probably picked on my husband a bit too much, but tried not to. He does read this blog on occasion so I didn't want him to be upset with me. It's healthier for me to complain to him about things that drive me crazy, than to the big ol' internet.

One thing I did enjoy was the increase in comments. I had a lot of comments this month and I loved it. I think the most popular entry was the one I did about punctuation. It received 11 comments! Of course, I was one (or two?) of the comment-ors, but it seemed to strike a nerve with everyone. I would like to thank all of you that took time to leave me a message of support or information this month. It was greatly appreciated.

Don't worry, I'm sure there will be more ranting in the future, it's just that it's a little difficult to do it everyday! Keep checking back.


* In the I did not know that tradition, I checked on the spelling of nauseous and discovered that it's a word that is usually used wrongly. Nauseous means something that causes nausea in someone. When you feel like vomiting, the correct word is nauseated. Wow! I learned something new today!


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