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May 15, 2007 - Tuesday

Cloudy, rain in the evening.

Today was good. I had a terrible time getting up this morning. I got up, but then had a nap on the couch. I got up again later. I got up earlier than yesterday, so I guess that's a good thing!

In the early part of the day I showered and then watched some of my stuff on TV while I surfed the web. I watched CSI and then Still Crazy. It was quite a fun movie about a 70's band getting back together and going on the road again. It had Bill Nighy, Billy Connelly, Jimmy Nail and Timothy Spall.

I ate my brunch and then went over to my school. I had to get busy because I was running late. I got out the stuff for my student's class and put away the stuff for the cancelled class. I did a bit of cleaning and a lot of running around. I got everything done just in time.

I had 3 lessons in a row today. They all went quite well, but I had to do a bit of hustling to get ready for each student. Remind me not to do that again soon! Classes did go quite well though, I'm happy to say.

Fumihiko came and picked me up and we went home. We made dinner. Fumihiko did most of it, he made chawanmushi and grilled the chicken. I set the table and made coffee. After dinner, I did the dishes.

I watched Monk tonight without Fumihiko. He took a bath. When he finished, he came back to the living room and then he fell asleep on the couch. He just seemed out of it. He was really tired tonight.

And that's about it for me. I'm watching The Conversation with Gene Hackman. Sadly I've never seen it before and I came in about halfway through the movie. It's quite engrossing. I'll have to try to catch it again. It's got a young Harrison Ford in it as an added bonus.

I'll have to go to bed soon. I have an earlier class tomorrow. Wish me luck getting up! Night.


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