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May 26, 2007 - Saturday

Hot and sunny.

Today was a pretty good day. I got up in the morning and showered. I did a bit of computer stuff and watched The 4400. It looks like next week will be very exciting. Today was!

Fumihiko and I had a late breakfast at Marumatsu. It was okay, but not great. Then he took me to my school. Both lessons went well. After class, Fumihiko picked me up and took me to the grocery store. I picked up a few things for lunch this evening.

Fumihiko left for his party around 6 pm. He dressed up and looked quite hunky!

I decided to go out and have some coffee. I biked to S-Mall and had a sandwich and an iced coffee at Doutours. Then, I came home.

At home there wasn't much that I wanted to watch on regular TV for a while, so I watched one Friends dvd. That's three episodes back to back. I ate my dinner while I watched. There was one bit in particular that I laughed so hard at I had to stop in case I choked on my food!

When 10 pm rolled around I watched my CSI shows. They were both pretty good. At midnight I watched Gene Simmon's Rock School, it was funny and a bit cool. The student band put on their first concert today, and it wasn't too bad.

I did a lot of channel surfing, finally watching an old episode of Desperate Housewives and then The Fugitive. Finally I found Alfred Hitchcock Presents and watched that. Fumihiko came home somewhere around 2:30 am. I was a tad surprised. Usually he's home much much earlier than that. Oh well. He had a good time and that's what's really important.

I'll be getting off to bed soon. I'm tired, and I'd like to be able to do stuff tomorrow. That's it for me. Night.


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