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June 10, 2007 - Sunday

Hot and muggy in the am, hot and sunny later on.

I went to bed very late last night, but I tried to get up at a reasonable time today. I didn't quite make it. I did set my alarm for 10:30, but slept through it. I think I got up a little before noon. However, Hubby didn't get up today until 10, so I don't feel so bad.

We had a busy day. We had a bad brunch at the hotel. They have some fried chicken there that was so greasy I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep it down. After lunch we paid a quick visit to the hundred yen shop to see if they had glasses and straws. We got straws.

Then, we drove out to Mount Kinbo. My school is almost one year old and I want to have a barbecue to celebrate it. Hubby used to work there, so he'd talked me into going there. It sounded so good....We went and talked to one of the workers. If we got them to provide the food, we can't bring any of our own. Huh? I wanted to bring stuff like marshmallows, garlic toast and ice cream....but they wouldn't let us. So, after a bit of thought I decided to not have them provide food. I'll buy what we need. That means that it'll be a bit more work for me, but it might be worth it. Then we had to choose what kind of cooking power we'd use, charcoal or gas. I chose gas, thinking it might be easier for us to clean up afterwards. Anyway, the whole thing has got me really stressed out right now. Fumihiko told me all these great things, and then the reality just wasn't the same. I thought about calling the whole thing off and just going to the riverside, but we'll try it. I can still cancel it if the weather is bad, so we'll see how things go. After our meeting with the guy, hubby showed me a couple of alternate sites for barbecues on the mountain. They are hard to get to though, and I don't really want to make my students go there. I thought he'd wreck the car getting up there too. It was scary.

We went to get a drink, then Fumihiko took us up to the shrine at Mount Kinbo. I tried to remind him of the time a few years ago that he'd tried to kill me on the hill, but he wouldn't remember that. It was winter. He got out of the car to help someone who got stuck and our car started to roll down the hill. I was still in the car. I was (and still am) not happy about this fact. He doesn't remember it.

I got dropped off at home while he went to take care of his dog. When he came back, we headed out to the mall. First we looked at glasses and found some nice ones, so earmarked them for later. Then, I headed upstairs to look for presents for my niece. Her 10th birthday is approaching. I shoo'd Hubby away, because I know darn well he is not interested in women's clothing. I found a few things, but decided to go and look at Uniqlo. I found some really nice things there, so we got a couple of things for my niece and a something for my nephew too. Yay.

We took all of our stuff out to the car, then had dinner in one of the restaurants in the mall. Mine was okay, Fumihiko's wasn't very good. However, considering that he always orders noodles there and is never happy with them, you think he'd learn wouldn't you?

We went to see 300 tonight. It was...okay. I guess. I liked parts of it but would have a hard time recommending it to most of my friends. I know they wouldn't like it.

We came home and for the last two and a half hours I've been trying to get my husband to get to bed, but he's being really annoying and dithering around. I know his back is really bad tonight, but being around someone who won't sit still drives me crazy.

In fact, it's getting so bad that in order to get some peace, I think I'll have to go to bed myself. I'm just so stressed out at this moment in time I don't think I can sleep.

Anyway...I have to end this. I'll fill you in on tomorrow's details tomorrow night. Night.


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