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July 25, 2007 - Wednesday

Cloudy and sunny.

A day that was both good and bad. I got up at a reasonable time today. Well, almost. Fumihiko was at the doctor and didn't come back until 12 or so. In the time before he came home I showered and did computer stuff.

We had a bit of a spat when he did come home because I didn't know what he wanted to do. I didn't know if he wanted to eat out or at home. I hadn't eaten because I was waiting for him. He watched some horrible Japanese thing on the tv too. Full of sniggering old men and vapid women, so I put on headphones and listened to music and a news podcast.

We had lunch at Bronco and then I was dropped off at my school. I got ready for my class, and then taught my student. It was okay today. After my class, I changed, and finished up. Then I sent a message to my husband. No answer. I sent another one. No answer. Then I phoned him and told him that if he didn't call me back I would walk home. No answer. By now it was 5:30, I'd been finished my class for over an hour and a half and I was getting quite ticked off. I walked home. It took me about 20 minutes which isn't bad, except I hadn't worn good walking shoes in the morning when I left my apartment.

When he did phone me at the apartment, I wasn't happy to hear from him, so I told him he didn't have to come home anytime soon, and hung up. Five seconds later, I wished I hadn't said that, but what's done was done.

I spent a lot of time on my computer, but got bored after a while, so decided to finish reading Harry Potter. I pushed through the last 250 pages or so, and got it done. It was great. I thought JK Rowling did a faboo job, and I really enjoyed it. I was both sad and happy at the end. And, that is all you get from me. No spoilers here.

I had just gone on line again to check my email when Fumihiko came home. He was a bit quiet for a while, but then we made up.

We went to Cocos for dinner and then came home. That was about it really. It was quite a quiet day, but I got my book finished, and I'm so glad that I did.

Tomorrow, who knows? Got to go. Night night!


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