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September 2, 2007 - Sunday

Cloudy and a bit cooler.


Today was an okay day. I got up quite early by myself, around 10:30 I think. Fumihiko came back a bit later and we were making plans for our lunch when the phone rang. The person we were going to meet cancelled on us, so we were free for the afternoon.

I grudgingly allowed him to buy me lunch at the Daiichi Hotel. It actually wasn't that bad today. Recently their food wasn't that great. Today was fine. I had fish, fried chicken, a stirfry thing, salad and some veggies too. Yay.

As we left the restaurant we discussed what to do. I suggested karaoke or going home to sleep. Fumihiko suggested going home to watch a DVD, so that's what we did. We came home and watched It. I enjoyed it. It is quite scary, up until the end of the movie. Tim Curry is scary.

After the movie we relaxed and then went out for dinner. I was on a veggie kick, so when hubby suggested a yakitori shop I said no. We went to a yakiniku place instead. That was good. We had a set and added on salad and egg soup. We also had some really expensive meat. It was more than 300 yen per piece, but it was goooood!

We came home via the grocery store for tomorrow night's dinner. I told Fumihiko that I'd prefer having dinner at home tomorrow to having it at home on Tuesday. I work late on Tuesday. He thought that was an okay idea, so we will have shabu-shabu tomorrow.

We came home and spent a quiet evening together. I watched a documentary about the British Royal Family that was interesting. It was mostly about the Queen and how duty has been the most important point in her life. I thought there was a bit of stuff that the Japanese Royal Family could learn from them.

Anyway, that was my day. It was peaceful and relaxing. We haven't had one of those in a while. Tomorrow, I'm not sure what I'll do, but hopefully it'll be fun. We're both feeling a bit like we're coming down with colds, which is so not what we want before we go away. Oh no!

Gotta go. Night night.


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