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September 5, 2007 - Wednesday

Hot and sunny. A bit humid.


I had an okay day today. I slept in quite late and only got up when I got a horrible charley horse in my leg again. Ouch. This was in the other leg. I limped around a bit from it all day.

I did some laundry today, and began packing my clothes a little. I didn't pack very much, just a few undies. Still, I've started.

I watched my taped tv from last night, Hustle, Medium (which was a big surprise as it had Molly Ringwald in it), then yesterday's CSI: New York. I enjoyed them all. It just meant that I didn't have much time to watch Heroes today. I did manage to see one episode though. Fumihiko came home during it and babbled during the last 10 minutes of the show. I was not impressed!

I was planning to go to the post office today, but changed my mind because I didn't have enough money to pay for my food order. Yikes. I didn't go to the bank either. I decided I'd wait until after my holiday to pay my bill. I did go out to get some food though.

Fumihiko came home around 5:30, changed and then left again. He was hoping to get in to see his doctor. He managed, and got an injection to his back. He felt better, but still is walking with bent knees most of the time. When he came back, that's when he interrupted Heroes!

He wanted dinner, but I wasn't hungry yet, so he fell asleep on the couch. Around 9 I started getting dinner ready. It was a sort of "clean out the refrigerator" dinner. We'd bought meat and veggies in a bag for stir-frying, but I also put in the spinach from Monday's dinner, and some green onions from last month. I stir-fried everything and added a little bit of fish sauce. Last time I used it I think I over did it, but tonight, I just used a little and it was really nice. Fumihiko seemed to like the dinner. Yay. We had stir-fry with decafe coffee.

I did the dishes while Fumihiko took a shower. I also cleaned the sink a bit. It needed it, and I obviously should do it more often! But, I hate that job. The difference between my cooking and Fumihiko's cooking is that he throws all the veggie scraps, noodle remains, and what have you into the drain-catcher and I do everything in my power NOT to throw things in there, because I seem to be the only person who cleans it out.

Anyway, that's it for me. We had a quiet evening. Fumihiko prepared some dadacha-mame, which are the local edamame beans. They were very good, but honestly, just taste like edamame to me!

I'll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe I'll be able to watch a bit more Heroes before I talk to you again. Night night!


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