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October 6, 2007 - Saturday

Sunny and nice day.


Today was okay. I got up after a bit of sleeping in, showered and watched Criminal Minds. It was quite good. I guessed who the "bad guy" was. Yay me. Fumihiko came home and then we went out for our brunch at Gusto. I had my usual chicken and veggies. It just reminded me that I've eaten chicken for 3 days in a row now!

I went to my school, checked my set up and taught my lessons. Both of them went really well today and I think the children had fun. I did, if that counts for anything. One strange thing was that I somehow got green whiteboard marker all over the floor. Luckily I got it out after class. I'm not sure what happened. Maybe a student dropped it on the floor and then stepped in it. It was all over the bottoms of our slippers too.

Fumihiko came to get me and we talked about going to the mall to see a movie, but weren't sure when they were on. We came home to check, but Fumihiko threw himself on the bed and declared that he couldn't go to a movie today. His back won't let him sit in the theater chairs for that long. Honestly, there wasn't anything that I would "die" if I didn't see right now, so it's okay. He fell asleep, and a few minutes later, I decided that I was going to take a nap too, so I snuggled up on the couch and fell asleep. I woke up a couple of hours later, Fumihiko didn't however. I read more of my book but it wasn't until I worked on scrubbing my slow cooker insides that he woke up. He was groggy and a bit out of it. He wanted supper and frankly, so did I. It was close to 8:30 or so and we hadn't eaten since before 12.

We went to M's Dining. It was quieter inside than the parking lot would have us believe. We both had things that we don't usually eat. Fumihiko had a Chinese-style omelette with rice inside it, and I had carbonara. We also ordered a plate of fried chicken and had drink bar. Everything was quite nice, and after a bit we paid and left for home.

At home, Fumihiko made coffee and I turned on the telly. Tonight was the first show in the new season of CSI: Miami. It's still orange. I forget which of my commentators said that, but they were right! Then, a good episode of Cold Case. That one was interesting for me as it was about a bank robbery where a bank teller was sweet-talked by a robber who then robbed her bank. The teller was killed in the robbery. As an ex bank teller, and a woman who was a lot like the teller in the story (single, liked books, didn't have a boyfriend) I thought maybe I had a lucky escape!

And, last for the evening, but not least, the finale of Project Runway 2. It was quite nice. I really enjoyed seeing the collections. I was most surprised by Santino's collection. He had a lot of stuff that I thought was wearable. IF it was in my size of course! I liked Chloe's clothes too, but she used a lot of shiny fabrics that I would never wear. Her non-shiny stuff was pretty good. Usually I like Daniel's clothes but there were a few that I wasn't too sure about today.

And that's my day. Now, Fumihiko is trying to make a hotel reservation for me, but is having a lot of trouble. He's getting frustrated. They keep asking for the same info over and over, but they won't take it. I told him to just pack it in for the night. He can call them on the morrow!

I should go, tomorrow could be a bit busy. It's also quite late right now. Well, I'll wish you all adieu. Night night!


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