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October 31, 2007 - Wednesday - Happy Halloween!

Sunny and nice day.


I had a good day today. I got up early for me, in time to watch the US news. After that, I showered, vegged a little, then made my meal and left for work.

I only had one class today, and it went quite well. The sad thing was that the student told me she can't come again for quite a while. It's too bad.

I came home and did some computer stuff. When Fumihiko came home he was a bit antsy for a while. He was just sitting on the couch not really doing much. He wasn't ready for dinner, and I certainly wasn't ready to cook it yet either. I went to the washroom and then came out, washed my hands (of course!) and then grabbed the vacuum and proceeded to vacuum a lot of the apartment. I asked Fumihiko to clear his junk off the kitchen table as well, which he did, to a degree. I think he just dumped it underneath the table, but frankly I don't care. I've asked him nicely for weeks to clean the mess up and he ignores me, so today I wasn't as nice and he did it.

After I finished with the vacuum, I wiped the cleaner table and then I started dinner! We had fried chicken, spinach and a salad. It was quite nice. I probably should have drained the spinach though as it was quite wet.

After dinner, Fumihiko did dishes then took a shower. At 11 we watched our usual Desperate Housewives and it was quite funny. Gabrielle and Carlos were trying to make each other angry and Tom wants to start a pizza business. Lots of interesting things happening in Wisteria Lane.

Fumihiko went to bed a while ago, and I should follow soon. I'm still not feeling that great. My nose is quite plugged up and it's hard to breathe. I should take more medicine, but the every four hours rule bugs me. If I take it when I need it, I have to stay up until 3 or something. Yuck.

I didn't really do anything "Halloween-like" today, just gave my student some chocolate for the day. Wasn't that nice of me?

But, in other holiday news, I got my first Christmas card today, and it's not even November quite yet! I'm not that organized at all!

Night night!


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