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November 17, 2007 - Saturday

Sunny and warm, rain and thunderstorms later.


A good if busy day. I got up this morning around 9:30 and made the bed (badly!) then took my shower, watched this morning's episode of Criminal Minds and then went out for brunch with Fumihiko. We went to Marumatsu for a change. It wasn't too bad this week. I wouldn't say that it was great, but it wasn't the worst meal I've had there!

I got to the school in lots of time to get things ready. I heated the lobby part today too. My classes today all went quite well. I had 3 of them, one was a class for the first time. It was quite interesting. We talked about weddings and it was fun.

After my classes I had a visitor. We had a good conversation and it looks like she will start coming to my school next month. Yay!

When she left my school I got changed and started to clean up my school. Fumihiko did the usual he didn't do them my way which ticked me off a little, but not that much really. I wasn't feeling great. For some reason I felt light headed and a bit like fainting. I thought I might be hungry, since it had been quite a while since I'd eaten.

We went out to the tonkatsu restaurant and had a nice meal. But, something happened there that just drives me up the wall. Fumihiko always wants to order one particular dish. I don't really care about that dish, so I asked if there was something else I could order. The waiter came by, and Fumihiko ordered the same dish, the one HE wanted, for both of us. Now, why did he do that? I said to him that I hadn't made up my mind yet. He's got this real bug up his butt at times about us having "the same food". Bleck. Normally I read the menu for myself, but this place is quite old style Japanese and has a kanji menu. I really wasn't too impressed, but as I still wasn't feeling that great decided to let it slide and not start a fight about it.

We came home after dinner and then watched a lot of TV. Poor Fumihiko had to put up with my stuff! First we watched this week's Desperate Housewives, then my trio of US shows on WOWOW. Tonight it was CSI: Miami, Cold Case and Grey's Anatomy. They were all fun.

That's pretty much it for me. I'm going to go to bed soon I think as I'm quite tired. I hope I'm not relapsing...but am a bit worried that I am. Anyway...wish me luck! Night night.


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