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December 2, 2007 - Sunday

Rainy day.


I slept in this morning, same as usual for a Sunday morning. I heard Fumihiko come home and then woke up again about an hour later. I got up and stayed up at this point. We were discussing where to go for lunch when Fumihiko got a call from his mother. One of his paternal aunts had died this morning and she needed to discuss arrangements with him. He told her that he'd go and visit later.

We had lunch at Jiro. It was very nice as usual, then came home. We had a long quiet afternoon together, and then Fumihiko went over to his mother's. He came back less than an hour later. The funeral will be on Tuesday, and I'm not expected to go. I'm rather relieved. I didn't know Fumihiko's aunt very well, I only met her once or twice. It does mean that Fumihiko can't send out New Years cards this year, but it's probably okay for me to do so. It's a shame because I talked him into buying a book on nengajo this year instead of me stamping them.

We had a late dinner at the Tonkatsu restaurant and then came home. We watched Lucky Number Slevin. I'd always heard it was a fun movie, and it was. I really enjoyed it. It got quite dark at the end, but overall was enjoyable.

That was our day. It was a really quiet Sunday. Tomorrow Fumihiko is off to work, but I have the day off. I hope to do a lot of gift wrapping. Wish me luck!

Night night.


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