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December 3, 2007 - Monday

Rainy day, clearing later on.


Today was a slow and boring day. No really! It was. This morning I got up fairly early and watched Jamie's Kitchen. I've seen the shows that were on today, but I want to watch them again. Tomorrow the ones I haven't seen should be on. After that I planned to take a shower, but ended up having a nap on the couch. I slept through my alarm and woke up an hour later. Yikes.

I showered finally and had a bite to eat. I had a bagel and a bit of leftover chicken. It was nice.

Then, I got busy. I had to wrap presents. I had a ton to do and I needed to get them all done today, at least in my mind I did. It took me about 3 hours, but finally, they are all done. The only thing...I'm not sure when I'll get them to the post office. There are so many packages and I don't have a box big enough for them all. Sigh.

Fumihiko came home in the middle of my wrapping and almost immediately went to bed! He fell asleep and probably would have slept through the night if I hadn't awakened him. As it was, it was after 9 when I woke him up.

We went out to Cocos and had dinner. I had chicken gratin which was really nice. Fumihiko had fried rice with some veggies poured on top, sort of Chinese style. We both had salads and drink bar too.

We visited the grocery store on the way home and bought...not much. We're not sure what will happen tomorrow night. Neither of us have a clue if Fumihiko will be late tomorrow night or not. I have three classes in the evening, so I will be late.

We came home and watched Ugly Betty, which was fun as always. Then we did a bit of channel surfing and somehow ended up watching Carrie. That movie is still quite effective. Fumihiko went off and took his bath during the film.

And that's it. I'm trying to suggest that Fumihiko go to bed soon. He's got to be at the funeral tomorrow and I'd hate for him to fall asleep in the middle of it.

Talk to you tomorrow night. Later eh!


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