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December 7, 2007 - Friday

Rainy most of the day.


Today was quite a good day. I got up early, watched the news, stayed awake, then watched Nanny McFee on cable this morning. It was fun as always. Any excuse to watch Colin Firth and Emma Thompson will do!

I showered, did my usual stuff and made my lunch. I ate lunch and watched the last of The 4400 episodes. I really got into that show. I hope that we'll be able to get the rest of the series here.

Riding to my school tonight was okay. I'd had to leave earlier so it was still light out. However, it was raining. Bleck. I didn't have to stop anywhere on my way to work though, so I made good time.

My school was a decent temperature and I got to work quite quickly. I had left everything set up, but I did a few of the daily things I do, and the time flew by. When my student came we had an okay (but not great lesson). Still, we both survived!

I had a couple of hours breaktime, but I was busy. I prepped classes for tomorrow got some paperwork ready too. If all goes well, I should have a new student start tomorrow.

My other class went quite well. We did numbers up to 30 and it was quite enjoyable.

After class I did a quick washing up, and then called Fumihiko to pick me up. He came a few minutes later.

We went to Moku-Moku. It didn't have many customers, but it did have a rather large group of people blocking the door outside. Once we got past them, there was another group inside, blocking everywhere. Bah. We sat down and ordered. Fumihiko had ginger pork and I had pasta. It was rather odd pasta I thought. It was a tomato-carbonara. It tasted quite good, but was much more tomatoey than I thought it would be so I wouldn't order it again. I thought the whole point of carbonara was the creaminess.

We came home after our meal and spent a lot of working time on our respective computers. Fumihiko finally got the letter he wrote for me to show up on my computer in Japanese rather than a bunch of question marks! I printed it out after playing around with it a little bit.

And that was my day. It wasn't too bad. I'm not sure what's on the schedule for me after work. I have 3 lessons tomorrow so I'll be a tad busy. Wish me luck!



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