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December 6, 2007 - Thursday

Sunny and nice in the morning, rainy at night.


Today was an okay day. I got up at my early time and I managed to stay awake this morning. Yay. I had to refill the kerosene tank in our heater when I got up. I also got out the electric grill for yakiniku and then made pudding for our dessert tonight. It was only jello pudding, but we don't usually have any dessert so it was a nice treat.

In the afternoon I printed out a few of my Christmas letters and even wrote out one Christmas card. Yay me. One down, 21 more to go!

I had a great lunch today. I used the leftover veggies from last night's dinner in my omelette, then put some of my honey mustard sauce over the omelette. I also finished up my rye bread, so I had a really nice late lunch.

When I was getting ready to go to the school I noticed two things. It was really dark outside and it was pouring. Ack. Why me? I got dressed up warmly and made sure to wear some lighter clothing so I'd be more visible.

When I got outside I managed to get my bike light to work and then went on my merry way. I made good time and stopped at a drugstore for my usual things.

The schoolroom was quite warm when I got there. Hurray for preheating the place! It wasn't really warm, but I'll take 17 degrees over 10 anyday. I took off my wet clothes and hung them up to dry, then I dressed in my work stuff and got busy. I planned a couple of lessons tonight. Yay.

After my class, I worked on a class a bit more. My children's classes need a lot of picture cards. It's not bad, but I always have to find them. They are double sided so it can be a pain looking through all the class files to find the right ones. It always happens that the cards I need in class A on Tuesday are the same ones I need the other side of in Class B on Friday. And so on!

Fumihiko had texted me that he'd be late, so I wasn't sure if he was home yet or not. I sent him a message to see, and got an immediate call back from him. He picked me up and we came home.

At home we had our yakiniku and it was great. We had both beef and pork, plus lots of veggies, and some pickled eggplant. Afterwards there was a lovely white chocolate pudding. Fumihiko was quite surprised to see the dessert. I'd put the pudding into two glasses for us, so it looked very nice as well. Yay me.

We did a combined dishes...I washed most of the stuff, especially the glasses, then I let him take over and he did the grill. Yay. I didn't want to wash that anyway!

This evening I've been an emailing fool. I've sent a couple of emails that I've been putting off, made up a holiday notice for Fumihiko to translate for me and surfed the web a little. Whew! I hope I can get to bed earlier tonight than I did last night. And no, I'm not telling you what time that was!

Night night!


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