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December 24, 2007 - Monday

Rainy and stormy.


Not the best of days, but not the worst either.

This morning we got up and went out for lunch, but the place that we chose was closed. So, we got to have lunch at Gusto. Hurray. Not.

We came home and I worked on my nengajo. Fumihiko was nice enough to help me with the addressing of the cards. I did a bunch of them. I think I did 14 today. Anyway, afterwards I was glad that they were done.

It got to be quite late when I was finished, so I relaxed and waited for Fumihiko to take me out for mailing the cards, and dinner. He was watching one of those inane shows, "Japan's Funniest Home Videos" or whatever it was, roaring his head off. I hate those. I don't even watch them in English, refuse completely to watch them in Japanese. Finally he asked if I wanted to go out for dinner. I told him I'd been waiting for him to finish and of course he said he'd been waiting for me. Yeah, right. As if.

We went out, and mailed my postcards at the main post office. Yay. They're out of my hands now. Then, Fumihiko drove around with no idea where to go for dinner. When he finally got an idea, the place was closed! And then the next place was closed too.

At that point I suggested just going to the grocery store and getting something from the deli section. He liked that idea, as well he might, so we did that.

I picked up our groceries for tomorrow, and then we came home. We ate and things were nice and friendly. For a while. The news came on and there was some story about a guy that fell out of a bus or something. Anyway, I was told to shut up during that story and so I did.

Anyway, my headache is back with a vengence, so I'm going to wish you all goodnight. For those of you that celebrate it, have a happier Christmas than me, okay? Night night.


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