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December 25, 2007 - Tuesday--Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunny and clear. No snow.


Well, if you read my entry last night you would be forgiven if you thought I would have a terrible day today, but, I actually had rather a nice day! Yay.

It did start a little badly. Fumihiko had forgotten to set his alarm last night when we went to bed...and that was another thing, we both went at the same time. And had a nice talk before drifting off. I digress again. Anyway, Fumihiko got up really quickly and got dressed and left. I was alone.

I got up, watched news, played on my computer, the usual. I did get a phone call from my sister in the morning, that was a nice surprise. She called me because last year when I called them in Canada it wasn't a good time. It was lovely to talk to her, and it cheered me up a lot.

In the afternoon, my head was just awful. I had a bit of a lie-in in the afternoon, just on the couch. I channel surfed and found a Poirot movie, so I watched that. It was good to have something fun and interesting on.

After the show finished, I went and got busy. I cleared off the coffee table and then raised it as high as I could. Then I got out my tablecloth, set the table and moved out the chairs. When that was ready, I started making my salad. It took a lot of work, but it wasn't difficult, just time consuming. I had everything just about ready when Fumihiko came home with the chicken. He was surprised to see our living room transformed into a dining area.

When he was ready we warmed up the chicken and I put the dressing on the salad. He had also brought a salad at the butchers, so we had that too. Everything was really good. The salad was a big hit and so was the chicken. When it was time for the Christmas pudding, I cleared the table and heated the pudding in the microwave. I also heated some brandy in the microwave as I'd read that it should be heated too. However, when I tried to flambe it, it didn't work! Fumihiko said that microwaving the brandy had probably cooked the alcohol out, so we tried just putting a little on the top of the pudding. That worked! It wasn't terribly impressive, but next year we'll do better! It was Fumihiko's first experience of Christmas pudding and he liked it. I loved it personally. I thought it was great. I wouldn't want to eat it every day, but once in a while is fine.

I did the dishes, there weren't many anyway. I had basically cleaned while I worked this afternoon. Hurray for that. After that, we grabbed the last of the coffee and opened up our presents.

We both did really nicely. I got the special 3 dvd set of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, and Ratatouille. I also got 2 pairs of gloves from my husband. I gave him some socks, underwear, and 2 T-shirts. He seemed pleased. From my sister and her family we got a digital photo frame, which is very cool, and Fumihiko got a keychain camera and a fancy flashlight. I got some bath stuff, a t-shirt, some room socks and a pair of gloves with a scarf. My friend in Canada sent me Corner Gas 4 and a relative sent a wallet and a calendar. I'm very lucky really.

In the evening we went out to the grocery store for something to drink and then came home. We watched the last couple of episodes of Ugly Betty. It was quite a lot of fun.

So there you are, my very low key, but surprisingly good Christmas day. It was lovely really. Much better than I thought it would be.

And my headache? Still around. I thought at one point my head might just fall off, but tomorrow I'm hoping to just take it easy and relax. Hopefully that will be helpful.

Got to go....Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and if you don't...I hope you had a good day anyway. Night night.


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