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January 10, 2008 - Thursday

Rainy, snowy, and cold.


Not a bad day at all! I woke up a couple of times this morning, once because I looked at Fumihiko and he looked at me and then spoke to me! Way to wake me up. Then, I got an email at 8:00 am. Aaaah.

I got up and watched the news. Fumihiko was up too, and left for the hospital. While he was gone I took my shower and got dressed. When Fumihiko came back we chatted about what the doctor said and what he should do. He hasn't really decided yet.

We went out and had lunch at the Daiichi Hotel and then we hacked around S-Mall for a bit. I bought us a coffee at Doutours and then we came home.

I suggested that Fumihiko set up the new fax machine, so I cleaned up the old one and moved it out of the space. He took ages to set up the new one, so I had a long nap on the couch. When he finished it was around 5. We left for my school, stopping at 7-11 on the way to pick up some oolong tea and a sandwich.

It was late when I got to my school, so I had to get ready quickly. I dressed, cleaned and put dishes away. I was just working on my lesson planning when Fumihiko called me. A woman had read about my school and was interested in it. He asked me to call her after my class. My student came around 7 and we had a good class. There was one interesting thing that happened, the Mormon missionaries rang the doorbell during the class, but I didn't answer the door.

After my class, I called the woman from before and we made an appointment for Saturday. I cleaned up my school, and then I called Fumihiko to come and get me. He told me that another student had called to cancel on Saturday. Sigh. Oh well. There is a very good reason so I'm letting them have a make-up.

Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Togashi for dinner. We took the long way round, Fumihiko wanted to go to an ex-coworker's family's restaurant, but it was closed. We had a great feast of yakiniku, and then we came home.

We had a very quiet evening. After 1, Fumihiko put on the telly and we found Dad, a movie with Ted Danson, Ethan Hawke, and Jack Lemmon. It was quite good. I didn't watch it from the beginning. It might have had more impact for me if I had.

And that's it. A pretty good day. Tomorrow I'm busier at work, and Fumihiko is off work. However, he's got a lot of jobs to do! Hopefully, he'll cook dinner tomorrow night. I asked him to a couple of days ago. It's fair isn't it?

Got to go, night night!


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