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January 27, 2008 - Sunday

Cool, snow overnight, but not in the daytime.


Today didn't start that well. Fumihiko's alarm went off at 7:30...he'd forgotten to turn it off, then he got a call from his mother at 10 and then he went out. The next thing I remember is the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire. He was watching Flags of Our Fathers. I was glad that he was watching it, because I talked him out of buying the dvd this month. I had told him it would be on WOWOW. I got up, made the bed and did computer stuff. As with most good movies, I found myself getting sucked in, but didn't pay close attention to it.

We had a later lunch at Bronco today. I didn't have steak, I had carbonara with hamburg. It was very nice. Fumihiko had steak curry and enjoyed it too.

After that, we went to karaoke. We usually go to a cheap place that's far from our apartment, but today we went to a much nicer place that's closer to us, in fact, it's right next to our grocery store. We went for 2 hours and had a lot of fun. I sang a lot of oldies, ELO, Supertramp, Sting, Corey Hart, but I also gave Lily Allen a try. That was fun. The karaoke box was nice, no smoky feeling inside and had a great drink bar. Our two hours with drink bar was still under 2000 yen, so really, a pretty good way to spend time together.

When we left the karaoke box we went to the grocery store and got a few things for dinner tomorrow night. Then we came home. Fumihiko watched a lot of TV that I wasn't interested in, and then I ended up climbing into bed for a while. I didn't really sleep, just took a short catnap.

We had dinner at Gusto tonight. Neither of us were hungry in a big way, so I suggested something simple. Gusto was fine. Hubby had Japanese food, I had chicken. It was nice.

We came home and watched 48 Hours on TV. I was really surprised at how racist it was. I know that part of it was to show the difference between Nolte's character and Murphy's, but I was a little shocked at the language used. Maybe I'm getting old! However, I did remember a lot of the taglines, which surprises me as it isn't one of my favourite movies.

The rest of the evening was just putzing around on my computer. I half watched Hollow Man 2, but it wasn't very good.

So, that was my day. It was nice. We stayed in our local area, no long trips to malls or restaurants across town. I think I really enjoyed that part of today most!

Night night.


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