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February 11, 2008 - Monday

Sunny and warmish.


Not a bad day really. We both slept in rather late this morning. That was a nice change. When we got up we decided to go for lunch to Jiro, our local favourite, but it looked busy. Instead, we went to the Grande Elson, the place where we got married! They have a nice restaurant there. We had pork with soup, salad and bread. The meal was quite reasonable in price, and very delicious.

After that, we went to S-mall to look at chocolates. I'm going to give my students chocolates for Valentine's Day. Yesterday, I printed off a few cute Valentine's Day cards so I'll write them up for each student and give them a chocolate too. Aren't I nice? Just a little. I also got some tea and some coffee creamer for my school. Yay me. At the 100 yen store I got a few more things for the school. I needed some tape's like Scotch tape, but it's sticky on both sides and comes in a small dispenser, and I needed some file folders. I went through the checkout and one of the ladies took my stuff out of the basket, then bagged it. When it was my turn at the register she'd forgotten how many items I had, so she did a quick count and got it wrong. I was in La-la land for a minute, realized that she'd said the wrong amount of things at the same time she did a better recount, so we both said "Yon-ten" at the same time! I don't know if she thought I'd let the extra item slip or what, or if I'd get mad at the accurate count. Anyway, she thanked me quite nicely!

We got kerosene finally, we came home for a while. We had a quiet afternoon, except that Fumihiko was looking over my taxes AGAIN. Argh. Enough already!

We had dinner at the Evil Place tonight and both of us ate way too much. He'd wanted to go to a Japanese restaurant that he likes a lot, but I don't. I'd said no, because I'd already had fish once this weekend, and didn't want more. I'm not sure why I don't like the place he wants to just isn't a place I want to go very often.

We bought groceries for dinner tomorrow night. It's been a very very long time since I've cooked anything. I also got a fairly decent sized roast. I'm going to try and do it in my slow cooker I think. I'll have to find a recipe first though. I haven't really done a regular roast. This one seems to have a lot of meat, the ones I occasionally do are quite fatty.

We came home and had a quiet evening, except for watching Ugly Betty. It was cute. I also watched a bit of The Grammy's. I didn't see it all, but I did like seeing John Fogerty with Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis. That was neat. Also, Vince Gill getting an award from Ringo Starr. He said to the audience, "I just got an award from a Beatle!" He just seemed to be a total fanboy at that moment.

Fumihiko had his bath and went straight to bed. He barely said goodnight, so I went in to check on him. He's fine, just tired and a bit full still.

And that was my day. It was okay for a national holiday. Tomorrow I'm back to work and I HAVE to do my laundry. I hate doing it when hubby's around!

Night night!


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