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February 10, 2008 - Sunday

Sunny and warm.


Today was quite nice. I got up very late this morning. Okay, it wasn't morning when I got up. I thought it was, but I was confused. I couldn't see the clock as Fumihiko had closed the door to let me sleep.

He was working on my taxes again. It looks like I will have to pay something, but it's a small amount. When I think about it, it's not that bad. I was a little worried at first, but really it should be fine. Then I can say that I'm a taxpayer again. Oh what joy!

We had a late late lunch at Moku-Moku. I had pasta, Fumihiko had curry. Then we went to Yamaya, the foreign foods/alcohol place. I wasn't there for the alcohol although someone in my family was...I was there for the mayo. I got some, as well as a couple of bags of sunflower seeds and some taco sauce too.

We came home quickly because Fumihiko had bought some frozen meat and we wanted to put it in the freezer. While he put it away I checked the movie listings again and we discovered that at 5:50 The Water Horse would start. It was 5:23 at the moment. Fumihiko said that we could make it, so we quickly went back out to the car and drove off to the mall. We made it...just!

I bought some popcorn and the drinks while Fumihiko got the tickets. We went in and just missed the advertisements (darn!) and a bit of the previews. I really enjoyed the film. I've lived in Scotland and parts of the film were exactly right. The Loch looked wonderful. I realize that parts of the film were done in New Zealand, but it had a very Scottish flavour about the film. I kept looking at one of the actors trying to decide if he was Ben Chaplin or not. It's been a few years since I've seen him in anything. It was Ben Chaplin. He's aged a little, but it looks good on him. He went from a boyish man to a man. (He was in one of my favourite films, The Truth About Cats and Dogs.)

After the movie, Fumihiko and I had a drink then did a little window shopping around the mall. We didn't buy anything. The Seattle's Best Coffee is still closed. They still have a sign on the curtain around the store saying that they will renovate and reopen soon, but from the outside we can see that the chairs and tables are still there, and nothing has been moved. What is going on there?

We drove back to Tsuruoka and then had dinner at Bronco. It was okay. We came home afterwards. We were both surprised to realize that we still haven't bought any kerosene. Fumihiko filled up the canister in the heater yesterday, with the last of what we had. Sigh.

We watched a really silly movie on WOWOW, DOA, about a martial arts tournament. It was silly, but it was quite entertaining too. There was an attempt to give the thing a story.

And that was about that. I'm heading off to bed soon as I'm quite tired and really need to get some sleep. I don't want to stay in bed as late as I did today.

Gotta go, night night!


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