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February 29, 2008 - Friday

Clear and sunny, then torrential rain and thunderstorms.


Today was good. I got up and watched the news, then quickly switched over to The Sopranos. It was really good today, in a bad way. I've only been watching the show for a year or so, but it's so darn good. Not for the faint hearted though.

I showered then watched yesterday's CSI. As the weather was good I decided that I could stay a little late at home today and watch today's CSI, so that's what I did. It was a good one. I've seen all of these ones however.

I rode to work and it was just nice to be able to ride my bike again. It frees my time up so very much. I didn't have to do any shovelling when I got there. Hurray for that. I kicked a bit of my snowpile to loosen it up and hopefully melt more of it. It's a lot smaller now than it was. I went into the school and finished getting ready for today's classes.

Basically today's classes were fine. They weren't great, but they were okay. Some days everything just clicks, the students get the target and I feel that it all went well, but today not quite. My middle student was fine though. We started by talking about her eventful business trip last weekend, then seguewayed into a business idiom quiz. Nice conversation.

After work I cleaned up and Fumihiko sent me a message to see if I was done. I wasn't at first, but by the time he arrived, I was.

We went for dinner to Togashi, the yakiniku place. We had planned to go to M's Dining, but Fumihiko suggested we change places as we were driving into the M's Dining parking lot! They are close by, so no big deal. We had a fabulous meal there. They have really great yakiniku.

We came home and it was a quiet night for both of us at home. I do have to get up and go to work fairly early for me tomorrow, so I can't stay up much later. Sigh. Still, The Stand is done, so I can get my beauty sleep again! And with that, I'll bid you all adieu. Night!


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