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February 28, 2008 - Thursday

Sunny and not too cold.


Today was a pretty good day. I got up at a reasonable time and watched the news, same ol', same ol'. I had a good morning, doing things that I can't remember now.

I did a bit of housework today too! I vacuumed the apartment and the filters on the heater and the dehumidifier.

In the afternoon I took a quick nap on the couch. I had one of those "I can't keep my eyes open" moments and thought I can nap if I want to. Ten minutes into my nap Fumihiko sent me a text. When my alarm went off I got up, and cooked lunch. Today I had an omelette and it was good. I've been using real cheese and it's nice to have instead of cheese slices that taste a bit like plastic cheese. When I did the dishes after eating I washed the dish strainer first before putting the dishes in it.

I walked to the school today, but realized that I could have ridden my bike. The snow has retreated a lot since Tuesday. Still, I got to the school and did a tiny bit of snow shovelling. I cleared the front entrance and the walkway to the parking space. I also tried to work on the entrance to the parking lot, but decided that I really couldn't do much by myself.

I had gone quite early to the school as I was afraid I'd have to shovel snow, but it wasn't necessary. Instead, I did some prep work. I planned two classes for next week.

My first class went well for the most part. The students hadn't done their homework and they didn't really understand that it was to be done at home, not at my school. Sigh. They'd also learned the song that we were going to learn in class, but that wasn't too bad. The only thing is that I don't want them to learn bad pronunciation. At the end of their lesson their mother came into the school but the class wasn't quite over. I asked her to wait a minute, but I didn't realize at first that something was wrong. She'd driven in the wrong parking lot gate and had gotten stuck, in someone else's space. Oops. We all trooped out to the parking lot and I and my next student (luckily friends with the mum!) did a bit of pushing and a bit of advising on how to get out, and it finally worked. Whew.

My next class wasn't nearly as exciting, I'm happy to say. As most of my break time had been taken up, I got myself a drink and brought it into class. I don't mind if my students partake of my drink bar, but I don't usually do it. Still, I had a bit of oolong tea and kept it off to the side, so no matter. The student asked me at the end of class about a point of English and we chatted about it for a while. It was about the levels of politeness in English and using the comparative "not" . I gave her the example of my sister and I. I said someone comparing the two of us might say that I'm shorter than my sister if they didn't mind hurting my feelings, but saying that I'm not as tall as my sister just sounded a little more polite. Seemed to work.

I cleaned up after she left and then I called Fumihiko. He told me that he'd misplaced his license and was going to go to the restaurant to see if it was there and then would pick me up. So, I had a few minutes to relax.

When he visited me, he didn't have his license. Honestly. Where does he put things and why can't he remember? We went home and he found it somewhere in our apartment. Oh yes, it was in the shirt he wore yesterday.

I cooked dinner and it was quite nice. We had fettucine carbonara with shiso daikon salad and a pork chop. Fumihiko thought it was good and did the dishes. Tomorrow I think we'll be going out as I'm working late. If hubby wants to cook he's welcome to it!

The evening was very quiet. I think Fumihiko's back is still giving him grief. He was in bed quite early for a change. Instead of doing my blogging and then reading I decided to read first. So, I finally finished it. The Stand. Done. It was good. I think I remember some differences from the old version, but I'd really have to see a copy of the original book.

I'll go to bed soon and hopefully sleep well. If it doesn't snow overnight I think I can ride my bike to work tomorrow. That'll be a nice treat for me.

Gotta go. Night night.


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