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March 2, 2008 - Sunday

Clear and sunny, lovely day!


Today was a pretty good day. I slept in a bit, but not as late as I often do. Yay me. Fumihiko went out and took his mother shopping in the morning so I hung up his laundry for him and waited for him to come back.

After a while we went for a quick dinner to Tsukyia, a gyudon place. It was okay. It wasn't fabulous, but it was a light snack.

We went to karaoke near our apartment, but it wasn't a great success. We had to wait for a few minutes to get in, which was fine. We were also given a VIP room. That was kind of cool, but it wasn't comfortable like a regular one. The room had a table and 6 chairs in it. It looked more like a board room than a karaoke box! We ordered drink bar when we arrived and usually they give us the glasses then, but the guy forgot. He brought them about 10 minutes later, Fumihiko went and got his drink first, and then when it was my time, I looked at the bottom of the glass and there was a little bit of brown water in the bottom of it. Yuck. Fumihiko tried to call the desk, but they didn't answer, so he took the glasses back (his too.) It took them another 20 minutes before they brought back clean glasses. We had a bit of food there too, which was nice. It seemed fine.

We came home and relaxed for a while, then got changed. Around 6:25 or so we left our apartment and went to Monami restaurant in the Daiichi Hotel. Tonight was their steak buffet. They had sirloin steak, which they cooked in the restaurant next to their buffet. They also had a lot of other dishes available, chicken, fish, and seafood. Everything was very nice. There was even dessert for a change.

After our meal we left and came back home. We spent a really quiet evening at home. I had one of those spells where I couldn't stay awake so I took a nap on my bed. I think Fumihiko thought I was trying to seduce him, but I wasn't! I was tired. I napped for a while and then my alarm woke me up.

That's about it. I'm watching The Fisher King at the moment. I haven't seen it all the way through before. I usually don't watch Robin Williams movies, but it's also a Jeff Bridges movie and I do watch those!

Tomorrow I'm off work. I have no plans at the moment, but I'm thinking of going out if the weather stays good. I hope it does!

That's it for today. Night night!


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