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April 29, 2008 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm, gorgeous day.


Well, I didn't get up really early today, but I did get up early enough that my husband didn't get annoyed with me. Yay for that!

I showered and then after a little bit of coffee, we went out for brunch. Today we went to the Daiichi Hotel. It was okay. It wasn't great, and I didn't eat as much as I sometimes do. They have a lot of starchy foods these days, and not a lot of protein based ones. Sigh.

After lunch we drove to the laundromat and washed our bedding. It was a quiet activity for us, we both brought our books and read a lot. I finished my novel, The Full Cupboard of Life, and enjoyed it. I thought it was almost perfect.

We came home after the laundry was done and put our bed back together. We used our spare sheets and all, but we had to rotate the mattress. You know, usual stuff. Of course the first thing you do after making the bed is lie on it, so we had a PG snuggle.

In the evening Fumihiko took me to dinner to our favourite place, Bistro des Points. It was nearly empty, there was a family on one side, and we had the other side of the restaurant to ourselves. We had Shonai Pork saute (which after we ordered I realized we had last night at home!), kabocha soup, flat fish marine, salad with white asparagus, and dessert with coffee. Oh my goodness, it was so delicious.

After we ate, Fumihiko wanted to have a massage at the mall, so we headed over there. He could have one, but he had to wait 40 minutes first. He was apologetic to me about leaving me alone for the massage, but honestly, I wanted to be alone for a bit! I like shopping and looking at things that I know don't interest him, so it's much more fun for me if I don't have him around. Before he went to the massage place, we bought some whole wheat bread and some mustard, and put them in the car.

When he went to the massage place, I had a good snoop around the ladies clothing department. I found some nice things, and I was tempted to try them on, but I'm not sure how much longer the bohemian look is going to last. So many of the clothes available right now look like things I made in Home Ec class in Junior High! I didn't try anything on , and more importantly, I didn't buy anything either!

We came home via another grocery store for a change. I bought more yogurt and oolong tea.

At home we had a very very quiet evening. Fumihiko was doing something on his computer and it didn't seem to be going well. He wasn't too pleased I think. Poor thing. He doesn't talk to me when he's working as it's too hard for him to change between Japanese and English.

Anyway, he's back to work tomorrow and I will be a lady of leisure...maybe! I might go to the school and see how things are there, plus do a bit of work. Wish me luck. Night!


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